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2020-02-17: Transfers – I’M TRAINING!!!

Hernando & Karol's baptism by Hernando's son
(& Karol's dad, who is also the 2nd counselor
in the bishopric) with Elders Sorensen & Flores.
Hello everyone! How was your week? Our week out here was AWESOME!! Like always, we worked crazy good and we are starting to see A FEW of the fruits. A few awesome people we found this week and several awesome others that are progressing really well. God is good. 

This week we had the baptism of Hernando (the father of our 1st counselor) and Karol (the son of the 1st counselor). They are an awesome family. The rest of the family is progressing pretty well. One lady really likes the Pentecostal church, but the Book of Mormon has lots of power. ;) 

We found several awesome Venezuelans this week. Rainier (this guy we found last week) is AWESOME. We had several appointments with him this week, and he came to the baptism on Saturday. He is progressing and reading the Book of Mormon a lot and looking for the truth. We also found a lady named Orlandis and her brother Roswalt and his girl, Margarita. They are pretty young and don’t know much about God, but they are eager to learn more. 

We also found this awesome group of youth that all go to the Baptist church. We had an interesting lesson with them. Once again I learned the importance of the Book of Mormon, but also the importance of having a knowledge and experience with the Bible. The Bible is true. I feel too often we rely solely on the Book of Mormon, and we really need to use and study both equally. 

Louisa is progressing pretty well, reading the Book of Mormon. She turned 15 this week and had her quinceañera, so she didn’t come to church on Sunday. But she told us she wants to be baptized. 

Nicol is also progressing really well. She has a few questions, but she loves the Book of Mormon and knows it’s true. She also wants to be baptized very soon. 

I went on an exchange this week with the zone leaders. It was pretty good, but I definitely learned the importance of urgency and effective work. For me, there’s a big, big difference between just working hard versus working effectively and diligently. 

Yuly should be returning from Venezuela this week, and she told us she wants to be baptized as soon as she gets back!!! 

This week I read Job 23 and also 2 Corinthians 11 and 12 that really impacted me. I love challenges. I love the opposition and difficulty God gives me. I will follow His footsteps and never leave His path. I love His holy words found in the scriptures and from today’s prophets. I will never part from Him; because of Him I joy in my challenges, para que repose sobre mí su poder (so that His power rests upon me). God is good. And after He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. Gold is not hurt or bothered by the fire, it is purified. 

We had transfers today. Elder Flores left, and now I’m TRAINING!!!! Ha-ha. I’m pretty excited. I’ve never trained before, so I’m super excited. I will be working with Elder Norton until Wednesday. We are both training, and Wednesday we go to get our new comps. 

God is good. Les amo!!
Elder Sorensen
Baptism of Hernando (in the middle) and Karol (in front)
with Karol's dad, mom, and the branch president (second from right).

Our baptismal font, as our building is under construction.

Best lasagna I've had on my mission--close comparison to Mom's.

Elder Flores

2nd Counselor, Elder Sorensen & Hernando

Second counselor (wearing daughter's hair)
with Elder Sorensen

Elders Sorensen, Huatuco, Flores, and Berrio before transfers

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