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2018-08-01: Week 2 Ends

well week two was awesome! we had a lot more time to kind of settle down since we had lots of personal study times and not so much classes. we are also teaching two people *our morning teacher and then afternoon teacher* but like next week i think we will actually start teaching real investigators or less active members that our teachers invite. our lessons go pretty good. they are a bit more realistic and tougher questions then the first practice one. I really enjoy it. Me and elder moore are getting pretty good at spanish and do pretty well during lessons. our whole district also made a goal to speak only spanish every day. except for like spiritual lessons where we need to express our selves or when we are just telling stories and messing around. its really good practice tho and we are all improving a ton. I love it here. i also bought a bunch of flashcards at la tienda por 341 pesos on my debit card just so you know. ive made a goal to memorize 20 new words a day and the cards have been helping me a ton.
we play futbol every day during our gym hour, except for lunes (monday) when we do service. we are a really good team and we've beat latino teams like everytime, we haven't lost yet. hahahha its like the highlight of our day. we all look forward to it. 
we have been having tons of super duper spiritual talks and lessons tho. We have gotten really close as a district. I have numerous things that i could share but due to time i will pick a few of the best. first we went to the temple last pday (preparation day) and we are going again today. supposedly we only go twice while here. anyways our bus broke down on the way to the temple and we had to get on a different one in the middle of the road ahahah that was fun. the temple was awesome. it was in spanish but we got headsets. the celestial room was amazing. i missed you guys being in there with me tho. it made me think how badly i want to have a eternal family that i can take to the temple and eventually live with in the celestial kingdom because it would be so sad if we werent together. 
by the way, our classes are like basically exactly like mission prep just longer. and nearly all in spanish. anyways, one video we watched was called hope of gods light. we then practiced as if we were teaching that guy. anyways there were tons of lessons we could learn from it. por ejemplo (for example) we need to watch what we talk about and how we act cuz we never know who is watching or whos life could be changed. also we need to follow promptings of the spirit immediately even if we dont know why. we never know what we could do for somebody else. another thing our ccm (mission training center) presidente was talking about how mission presidents only want three things from an elder: 1) personally converted,  2) obedient,  and 3) diligent. I have determined i am going to be that missionary. i am already personally converted. i know this gospel is true and i know it blesses lives. i know we can repent and become cleansed from our mistakes. i know our Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return and live with him. i know the book of mormon truly is the word of god and that it will bring us closer to God when we read it. I love the spirit i feel here every day. it just constantly confirms to me that i'm doing what the lord needs of me. 
thanks for the emails i really like them. i miss twin lakes. wish i was there. but i love it here and i know this is exactly where i need to be. I miss a lot of things from back home and we talk lots about them as a district like songs music, siblings, food, sports. i miss you guys but im doing good. i stay busy and push my self to study so i dont have much time to be sad. i hate being sad hahaha. i still lift every morning and i really enjoy that. i miss wrestling tho. i still havnet met any wrestlers. i met a latino who is from bolivia la paz and we talked for a while. 
i cant think of much else
oh idk how the dear elder thing works. i  think i get it two days after you send it. i really would enjoy some letters tho hahah but ill be ok if not.
i love you and miss ya 
con amor
elder sorensen

Outside the LDS Mexico City Temple
Elder Moore and Elder Sorensen at Mexico City Temple

View of the city on the way to the temple

My breakfast plate in the CCM (Missionary Training Center)

Some of the guys in my district at the missionary training center

Imitating a statue for an exercise gym that is right outside the grounds of the training center.
The fence behind me is the CCM fence.

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