My companions: Elder Flores and Elder Ypushima |
kicked out of Bolivia really sucked. Being split up from all the guys I know
sucked. Being in a new mission has sucked. Being in a trio sucked. Getting my
area split and all the good investigators taken away sucked. Working with two
difficult companions has sucked. It seems like all of a sudden hells gates
opened right up and things keep going from bad to worse to just ridiculous. I’ve
never been much of a complainer, and I’m not complaining right now, just
trying to explain how I’ve been feeling. I’ve been split from everything until it’s
literally just myself and my testimony. MAN. It’s exactly like wrestling, like
lifting weights, like everything I love to do, but this time it’s not a physical fight,
which is new for me. I read this verse in Proverbios, and thought I’ve been
beaten up, kicked around, and knocked down over and over again, but cuando
despierte, volveré en busca de más (when I wake up, I’ll come back for more). I’ve
decided I’m done feeling sorry for myself and my situation. GOD IS REAL. He
knows what’s going on, and He wants to see how I’m going to react. If I’m going
to let it all shut me down, or make me stronger. And I’ve decided, I’m coming
out stronger than ever.
This week I did all I
can in everything. I studied more diligently than ever, we taught better
lessons, found more new investigators. We found tons of less active members and
their family members (who aren’t members). It’s been an awesome week. Lots of
really good people who can really progress in the way to Christ. We didn’t see
a ton of immediate success (in the numbers), but we are getting a great group
moving forward.
scriptures truly are His words. A few other scriptures that have helped me this
week. Romanos 13:1-2
1 Let every soul be
subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers
that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore
resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall
receive to themselves damnation.”
I’ve been a bit upset
with the mission president here and all the differences in missions and rules
and such, but I’ve decided I need to quick resisting authority that God has put
in place. Even though I might not agree, I need to submit to God and follow
Him, and this is the man He has put ahead of me; I need to follow.
Also Hebrews 10:31-32,
31 It is a fearful
thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
32 But call to
remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a
great fight of afflictions;
35 Cast not away
therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.
36 For ye have need of
patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
With Elder Vernon -- a previous companion in Bolivia |
This week was awesome!
I invite all of you to rely more on God, put all your confidence and trust in
Him. He is your Father. He loves you and everything He does is to help you.
That is true, and I know it. STUDY the scriptures to find out what to do. God
will direct you and help you. That is true, and I know it
Les amo,
Elder Sorensen