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2019-06-24: The Work in Potosi (Cerro Rico)

HOLA HOLA!!!  Well, sorry I didn’t write much last week. Basically 2 weeks ago, Elder Puma and I worked hard in Betanzos. We stayed busy, and it was pretty cool to see how much my comp had grown from our first day together to our last week together. He led us that week, and we did really well. I was pretty excited to leave Betanzos with him and let him keep going with the people we were visiting. I packed up all my stuff Sunday after church because we were pretty sure I would be leaving Betanzos. Well, Sunday night we got our cambios/transfers and ... Elder Puma got sent to Cochabamba and I got sent to Potosi, and Betanzos got closed (like there are no missionaries in Betanzos now). That was really sad, and E. Puma and I were pretty upset and sad. Kind of funny that I’m staying in Potosi though. I have been here my entire mission, hahaha. But sweet because I can still go out to Betanzos once a week.

So, last lunes/Monday, Elder Puma and I went back to Betanzos, and while he packed up all his stuff, I cleaned up the house since nobody would be living there. Then martes/Tuesday morning, the taxis to Sucre picked up Elder Puma, and I went to Potosi. When I got there, I met up with my new comp, Elder Waldvogel (from Utah). We left my stuff in our house and then spent most of the day picking up missionaries from their travels and taking them to get lunch and then back to their next travel/bus. That night we went to a few citas/appointments. We visited a lady named Celia. She is an investigator that is planning to get baptized this coming Sabado/Saturday. She is pretty fun. Later at a cita my comp shared 2 Nephi 28:30. I like that verse a lot because we always need to be looking for wisdom and the counsels of God. However, we also need to realize that knowledge and revelation comes little by little. So we need to pay attention and appreciate the small lines of revelation that we receive often. We also visited the Flia Toco (Toco family). They are an awesome family, but the parents aren’t married yet and they are working slowly towards it. We had a good lesson about the steps of the gospel and about temples and such.

Mièrcoles/Wednesday we visited Hermana Susana in the morning. She is less active and going through lots of problems in her family. In the afternoon we had to help a few elders in their travels again. We also had to receive a few boxes from Cochabamba and send one there too. We also visited Rosa and Daniele. Rosa is the mom and Daniele is like 14 or something. They are investigators but don’t come to church every week so we taught about the Sabbath day. While in Betanzos we had that problem a ton, and one day we heard a talk by Elder Bednar that said to focus on the doctrine--that we should use the doctrines of the gospel to help people solve problems. So we decided that people should learn or understand better the doctrine of the Sabbath Day instead of us just nagging them to always come to church.

Jueves/Thursday we went to Satelite (another area in Potosi) to do a baptismal interview for the elders there. It was my first time interviewing, and it was pretty fun. We visited a hermana named Santusa. She is mas o menos (more or less) active but super awesome. She is going through lots of problems so we shared 2 Nephi 24:3 with her and her kids. That night we had a Noche Misional (Mission Night) at the church. It’s an activity the elders do to invite investigators and members to have fun and get to know each other better. My comp and I taught a little lesson from Alma 7:9-12 and Moroni 10:32-33. We taught about how much we need Christ in our lives. How much he loves us and sacrificed for us and that we should remember Him and focus more on Him every day. Then we played a big group game, and it was super fun.

Viernes/Friday we had district meetings in the morning. After lunch we visited a kid named Melvin. He is 10 yrs. old and comes to church, normally alone, but really wants to be baptized and his parents are like “ya I guess so.” He is awesome though and planning to be baptized this coming Sabado/Saturday. We also visited the Flia Castro (Castro family). They are a super funny mas o menos active family. They love mate and the Hermano said he would make us materos (like the cup that you mate from). He said he would make us ones from cactus. He like loves cactuses, and I hope he actually does it because it would be awesome. We also ate pata de vaca (foot of cow) which was kind of goofy, hahaha, not super good.

Sabado/Saturday morning we went and did service, helping a less active member move stuff from his restaurant to his house. After that we went out to Betanzos. I loved that :) We cleaned the baptismal font and then had lunch with Hna Georgette and her mom. In the afternoon we had the baptism of Yoselin. We visited with her and her mom a bit before and then had the baptism. I love baptisms and the super strong Spirit that I always feel. We are planning to go one day each week out there, so I’m excited. We both walked around in our abarcas (sandals) and with our scriptures in our awayos (knapsack) and loved it. Hahaha.

Domingo/Sunday all four of us (the elders in Cerro Rico ward) gave talks. I shared a little about myself and then Omni 1:26 and Mosiah 3:17. I love talking about Christ and teaching about Him and why we need Him so much and should do the things He and His Father ask us to do, because Christ sacrificed everything for us and doesn’t really ask that much of us. The ward Cerro Rico is pretty good, and we got to sit in on the elder’s quorum class instead of teaching class. The teacher is super good and taught about knowledge and why we need to gain knowledge and intelligence and not just be ignorant. It was a super awesome class. In the afternoon we visited a few families. One of which was the Flia Magne, the grandma is super funny and sweet. We read Alma 12:33-34 and discussed the things we need to do to enter into the rest or peace that God has to offer us. It was also San Juan (some holiday). It’s the longest night of the year (so normally the coldest night of the year), so the tradition is to have big fires and light off tons of fireworks and eat hotdogs. Hahaha. I don’t know why. We went to our pension’s house and played with fireworks and ate hotdogs and such. It was fun. I miss campouts and just sitting around the fire. That’s about all for this week. 

It’s been fun being with a gringo comp. Elder Waldvogel is awesome, and we get along great and work crazy hard. We were super tired the entire week but happy because we got a lot done. There is still quite a bit of Quechua here in Potosi, and I love talking with the people in Quechua. It’s not as much as in Betanzos but better than nothing. It’s very cold, and the sun doesn’t get in our house so our house is always freezing cold and never warms up (like during the day). We read a quote this week in some missionary book that said, “When you have a year as a missionary, work like you have a month left. When you have a month left, work like you still have a year left.” It was pretty funny because that’s exactly the setting we are in. I have about a year left as a missionary and my comp only has a month. Haha. We are working like crazy though and loving every second of it out here. 

Les amo mucho!!
Elder Sorensen

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