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2019-06-10: Last Week in Betanzos (most likely)

E. Neito (from Ecudaor) and E. Sorensen
HOLA HOLA!!! Well this week was a bit crazy. It is freezing cold here. I never have been anywhere so cold for so long. Haha. So I was sick most of the week, but we still worked hard and had an awesome week.

Well, ok so, martes/Tuesday we had district meetings, and then afterwards we returned to Betanzos. Then we went out to Lagunillas to the Flia Huallpa (Huallpa family). We got several references from them of people who live in Lagunillas, so hopefully we will be able to find them this week. We had a good Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening Lesson) with them about Luke 10 and the Good Samaritan. I love that family :) Well unfortunately, the hermanos (brothers) car wasn’t working, and there were no cars returning to Betanzos ... so we had to walk all the way home. Like a little over 2 hours of walking. Hahaha. And there was no moon, and all we had was the little light from the phone because I forgot my flashlight. It was pretty cold and windy, but we were covered in jackets and ponchos and such. My comp did fall at one point and ripped his pants, and he even was the one with the light. It was a funny day.

Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had to go back to Potosi for interviews with President. I love interviews with him. We talked a bit about Betanzos like always. He seems pretty happy with the progress and improvement in Betanzos, mostly with the ward and members I think. He also pretty much said I would be leaving this cambio/transfer (from Betanzos), so that’s exciting. I love Betanzos like crazy :) but I´ve been here quite a while and a change is going to have to happen at some point. So hopefully I get sent somewhere warm, haha, because it’s getting crazy cold and they only say it’s going to get colder. But anyways, after interviews we came back to Betanzos and then had a pretty good day visiting people. The best was with Virgilio and Remedios and Max. We (my comp and I) listened to a talk earlier by Elder Bednar about how the doctrine is always the answer to any problem. “Focus on the doctrine” is what he said. “True doctrine understood changes hearts.” So we decided we should teach Virg, Rem, and Max about the doctrine of the Sabbath Day, again. So we did and we talked pretty straight forward about why they don’t come to church. Max had a kind of good reason, saying he was nervous and afraid because they asked him to give a talk and he didn’t. But the other two just had excuses. We talked pretty directly with them for quite a while and by the end they all said they would go Sunday :) We left pretty happy and hoping they wouldn’t flake out on us.

Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya and had a good visit with Yoselin and her family. The rest of her family is like mas o menos (more or less) active. But she normally comes alone. We basically did the same thing with them as we did with Virgilio and them. We taught about the Sabbath Day--how we should really honor and keep that commandment. We also visited with the Flia Estrada (Estrada family) and read Luke 15 about the hijo pródigo (Prodigal Son). I love that story a ton, and we had an awesome discussion about it. Well, walking back from their house we have to bajar (go down) the side of a cliff kind of. Again I forgot my flashlight, and we only had the phone light. After coming down the cliff there is a little bridge that crosses the river. My comp and the light and was in front of me, and I was putting my chullu on and totally forgot about the hole. I’ve crossed the same bridge tons of times in my 7 months in Betanzos and always think, “One day I’m going to step in that.” Haha, and it finally came true. I stepped right into it, and my whole leg went in after. Hahaha. It was pretty funny. We also ended up walking home that night because there were no cars. (Only like 45 min walking).

Viernes/Friday we had a pretty good day, but it was kind of slow because we have both been sick most the week and not sleeping very well. We visited several investigators and such but nothing really special. It’s kind of disappointing, still, none of our investigators say they have time (or desires) to go to church on Sunday. Bummer. BIG Bummer.

Sabado/Saturday was good. We cleaned the church and then played a little basketball with a few kids from the street and Reynaldo. Then we went to Hermana Darías and cleaned up the kitchen and my comp cooked, and then we read Mosiah 24 with her and her daughters.

Sunday in the morning we went to Max and Virgilio and Remedios to bring them to church. And I let out a big WOOO HOOOO when they opened the door and were actually getting ready to go!!!! All three of them came, and it was AWESOME. Also Yoselin came, she is going to get baptized this coming Thursday. Also Hermana Daria and her daughters and grandkids came. IT WAS AWESOME!!! The church was also pretty full with 47 people there (I normally count.) :) It was an amazing domingo/Sunday. Today we played soccer like normal. I love soccer. I have thought I should´ve played at home, but then I remember it was the same season as wrestling. Hahaha. 

Anyways, besides the cold and the sickness, this week was awesome. I love Betanzos. This coming Sunday night we will get our cambios/transfers. Kind of crazy, this cambio passed super-duper fast. Well that’s about all from out here in Bolivia!

Les amo
Elder Sorensen

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