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2019-06-17: Back to Potosi

Elder Tanner Howell from Utah.
He is the missionary I am
replacing in Potosi.

Elder Sorensen didn’t have much time to write today. So here’s the short version from him:

Tuesday I went on exchanges in Betanzos with Elder Roncal (from Peru). He’s pretty cool.

Thursday we were supposed to have a baptism for a 9-year-old girl, but her brother got hurt in a motorcycle accident. The brother is okay, but the baptism was postponed until this next Saturday.

Sunday evening we found out our transfers. My companion Elder Puma is going to Cochabamba, as well as Elder Nieto. I was all packed and ready thinking I would be the one going to Cocha, but I’m going back to Potosi (haha) to be a zone leader with Elder Waldvogel in Cerro Rico 2 (that’s what the area is called). I am replacing Elder Howell (from Utah). It will be Elder Waldvogel’s last transfer before going home. In missionary lingo, they say I’m going to “kill” him—meaning I’m his last companion before sending him home. He is my first gringo companion, but I’m his 10th gringo companion. I’m pretty excited to be with him. As far as getting out of the cold, it snowed here in Potosi this morning. Haha! One sad thing is that they closed the Betanzos area this transfer. It is sad, but we do not really have any investigators progressing. However, the zone leaders are in charge of covering the Betanzos area still. So I’ll still be responsible for the area. We will return for the baptism this week.

I need to go so we can go back to Betanzos for my companion to pack. Then I will come to Potosi to start working with Elder Waldvogel. Potosi is between several different areas, so tomorrow we are in charge of helping missionaries transfer to their new areas. The zone is divided into 2 districts—the southern part of Potosi and the northern part. I will be in the northern district. Potosi also has 4 church buildings as well as a building in Betanzos. We have 14-16 missionaries in our zone (7-8 companionships) here in Potosi. I figure I will be here through September or October. In our zone, Waldvogel has been serving the longest, and then I’m the next longest with almost a year. So we’re all fairly new. It’s good though because we all just want to work hard.

Les amo
Elder Sorensen

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