Well this week was crazy awesome.
Hermana Daria & E. Sorensen. Wearing the poncho she gave him. |
Martes/Tuesday we had zone conference so we stayed in
Potosi. In the morning we went and did service for an older lady. While walking
home I got bit by a dog. I’m not a dog fan. It didn’t even leave a mark but
still annoying. Conference was awesome like always. Afterwards I talked a while
with a guy named Elder Clayton who opened the Betanzos area about a year ago.
It was super fun to see who he visited and how they are doing now and all the
changes and stuff that hasn’t changed. Haha. It was fun.
Mièrcoles/Wednesday we spent the whole morning visiting a
few people and contacting. It went super well, and we found several pretty good
people. After lunch we had an awesome lesson with a lady named Sandra. We
contacted her last week, and she told us that she goes to church but she wants
to know which church is the true church. So you bet we had an awesome lesson
with her. Only problem is that it’s kind of hard to find the true church if you
never attend that church. Later we found a guy named Pastor Duran who said he
has been taught and went to the church before. Later we visited with Virgilio
and Remedios and were happy to see that they actually read a little bit in the
Book of Mormon during the week. We also visited and helped Hna Daría clean up
her kitchen, and then we read from the Book of Mormon with her.
Jueves/Thursday we had an awesome lesson with Soraya in the
morning. She has tons of questions and doubts and such, so we had a good lesson
about the gospel. She also read the passages from the Book of Mormon that we
left her to read. She is super awesome but has the same problem as almost
everyone in Betanzos, coming to church Sundays. In the afternoon, we went out
to Tecoya. We visited with Yoselin (a 9 yr old girl). Her parents are members
but not very active but she really wants to get baptized so we are hoping and
planning to help her get baptized and for her whole family to come back to
church. We also visited with the Flia Estrada (Estrada family). The dad wasn’t
there, but we read Luke 10:25-34 with them, and it was pretty good.
Viernes/Friday we went back to a few of the people we
contacted before and had a pretty good lesson with a guy named Rocky. In the
afternoon we visited with Sandra again and answered several of her questions about
the Book of Mormon. We also visited with Renaldo a little. He is super awesome
but needs to get married before he can be baptized.
Sabado/Saturday was pretty fun. We did service at the
church, cleaning up the prickly pear cactus and the yard and such. It was pretty
fun to work with some of the members. I also got to use a machete quite a bit,
which was pretty fun of course. Hahaha. I love the members here and really feel
like they are my family. Later we played futsal with them and a few people we
contacted during the week. Then we had English classes, but nobody came.
Domingo/Sunday we stopped by several people before church
(to bring them) but no one came. Bummer. I shared my testimony on Jacob 6:5
which is a super awesome verse that I love a lot. While sharing my testimony....
I was trying to say we need to hold on to God and stay with Him. In Quechua its
Diosta jap´inanchis tiyan. (We need to hold on to God) However, I confused a
few words and said ´´Diosta jisp´ananchis tiyan´´ which means.... we need to
pee on God. Hahaha. When I said that everybody laughed, and I was like oops
what did I just say. Hahaha. It was pretty funny. In the jovenes/youth class I
gave them the test and such for seminary class, and it reminded me of home and
my seminary class. I´ll be honest and say I didn’t always enjoy having to go
every morning, but looking back, it’s very easy to see how much the classes
helped me to learn and grow my testimony. I know how all the youth think but
honestly, pay attention in seminary, it really does help. After lunch we
visited Hna Daría, and her daughters were there too. Hna Daría gave me a pretty
awesome poncho (I’ll send pics). I love Betanzos like crazy. :)
Today we played soccer which is always fun, but I’m still
not as good as I’d like to be. This was an awesome week, and we worked like
crazy. It is freezing cold here, and I don’t like that part too much but other
than that I love it out here.
Les amo
E. Sorensen with Hermano Estrada and kids. |
Family Home Evening with the Huallpa family. We're sitting on sheep skin on the ground. |
Zone Conference in Potosi |
E. Clayton and E. Sorensen. E. Clayton and E. Baros opened the Betanzos area in March 2018. |