Hiking - Jan 14, 2019 pday activity |
Well martes, we did an intercambio/exchange (since my comp
is district leader). So I was with Elder Nieto (from Ecuador) en Betanzos. We
had lots of fun. We didn’t have any citas/appointments, but we had a ton of
people to look for so that’s what we did, and it went pretty well. We ended up
getting to teach a less-active member that we have been trying to meet with for
a long time. It was interesting to see how things that happened sooo long ago still
have effects and how this person is still holding on to those feelings. It made
me think how I never want to be like that and how it will always be better to
forgive and move on with life instead of holding feelings of anger. It was also
cool because we shared Mosiah 2:41, and it reminded me that the real true
happiness we can feel will be when we are keeping the commandments from God and
working to become a better person.
Miércoles we finished intercambios/exchanges in the morning
and then got back to Betanzos around 3ish. After lunch we had a few people to
visit, and then we played soccer with a bunch of little kids in the street.
Most of them were from a family we are teaching, so it was pretty fun. Later we
had English class but nobody came, so while we were waiting I helped my comp. (He
is trying to learn English.)
Jueves we went to Tecoya on bikes. It went pretty well, and
we found a reference named Irma. We taught her about the Restoration and the
Book of Mormon, and it went really well. Later, we went to the Familia Estrada
(a recently re-activated familia), and they are super-duper awesome. (That’s
what the pictures are: me and my comp eating with them. The parents were still
working in the field.) And then we went to another family and then back to
Betanzos on bikes.
Viernes we had pretty good citas. We met with Renaldo and
that went pretty good, but we also learned he and his ´wife´ aren’t married
soooo... Later we visited two teenagers who are recent converts (Remedios and
Virgilio) and read the Book of Mormon with them. I know the Book of Mormon can
really help us to become truly converted. This week in my personal study, I
read Alma 5. I learned a ton from that chapter. A few things I really liked
were the parts that talked about a “mighty change of heart.” I really liked
that. Later I was reading a talk about becoming a consecrated missionary, and
there was a part that talks about changing not just behavior but nature. I
think that a change from the desires for worldly things to desires for
spiritual things is the real key to becoming spiritually converted and living
closer to God. And then later when we were reading Mosiah 2:41, I realized that
if I do these things and change from world to spiritual, I will find real, true
happiness. (I don’t know if that makes a lot of sense, but it makes a lot of
sense to me, and it’s something I’m really trying to get better at, focusing on
spiritual things a lot more than just worldly things.) Later viernes, we
visited a less active family (who we have been visiting for a little while).
Sabado, we planned to go out to Tecoya again, but then the
few citas we had out there called us and each said they couldn’t meet. So we
stayed in Betanzos and visited a few people we hadn’t met with the past days.
Domingo we went by a few investigadores in the morning
before church. At church it was pretty awesome because the family we visited
viernes en la noche, they all came (and it’s been a while since they’ve come).
So we were pretty happy. :) After church we visited Renaldo again and had lunch
with him and his family. His wife made tripe, and it was actually pretty good.
After visiting a few more contacts, we went to Potosi and then did our studies
Today was fun, we went to a park that has lots of sports
fields, and we played soccer and football and basketball. That’s about all for
this week :) It seemed to pass super fast. I’m really loving being a
missionary. I love my area (Betanzos), and I’m really enjoying trying to learn Quechua,
hahaha. It’s tons of fun and a big puzzle (or in Spanish: rompecabeza--literally
head break). Haha. It breaks my head sometimes, and I get lost a lot but it’s
still super fun. I love you all, and hope things are going well for you all :)
Elder Sorensen
Eating dinner with the Estrada family in their kitchen. |
E. Sorensen eating with the Estrada family. |
E. Sorensen |
E. Vergara |
E. Sorensen and hungry gato. |