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2019-01-14: An Awesome Week!

This week was super duper awesome! We had an awesome baptism and worked really hard but also had tons of fun. I love being a missionary and helping other people find true happiness.

Me and David.
He is one month younger than me.
Well ok, martes/Tuesday our district meeting was super good. (I love 1 Nephi 19:9, it makes me think if Jesus did all that for me because He loves me and wants me to be happy, I should love Him too and try harder to do the things He asks of me. I also learned I should develop this love for other people and put their happiness and needs above my own.) Anyways, we got back to Potosi and then after lunch, went to work. We had several people with goals to be baptized the coming Saturday, so we really needed to meet with them. Well, we only found one of them (Remberto), and we had a super good lesson with him, but he is a little hesitant to be baptized because he wants a firm solid testimony before he makes that choice. We explained how that was good but how we also need to act in faith and after baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the real teacher and testimony builder. I think after Remberto is baptized, he will be a super good member because when he says he wants to do something, he sticks to his word.

Mièrcoles/Wednesday was a good day. We had several good citas/appointments planned, and we were pretty excited in the morning (thinking ‘man we are going to have an awesome day’). Well... our 3 good citas (each a progressing investigator) cancelled sooo... we had several hours empty. We looked for lots of past contacts and less active members and then went out contacting for a little bit. It was pretty awesome because we only knocked 2 doors (contacting), and both let us in and we had really good lessons with both. Well, with one we had a good lesson and with the other it was an older couple and they only spoke Quechua, so we prayed and I taught what little I could and kind of understood what they said. Hahaha. It was kind of goofy because I didn’t understand super well, and at one point I looked over at my comp, and he was more lost than me. (He is just starting to learn Quechua.) So for a second I felt a little alone, but I kept going with the little lesson I was sharing and think they understood pretty good. It was interesting because later we were visiting with somebody else, and my comp shared (from the Bible) John 16:32-33. While he was sharing that it was pretty cool because I was thinking about how I had just felt kind of alone, but then (from this scripture) I remembered that I’m never really alone and I also recognized that while I was trying to talk in Quechua to these people, I was kind of nervous but I did feel like calm and a peace, and I was able to keep going. For me it was a pretty cool experience and reminded me that I’m doing the Lord´s work and that He will help me.

The blanket I bought from Vernaldina. She made it
completely by hand from sheep wool to blanket.
Jueves/Thursday was pretty fun because the zone leaders came out to Betanzos to do a baptismal interview (with David). We kind of did like an intercambios/exchange. (I went with on elder and my comp with the other). So it was pretty awesome to go to Tecoya and visit a ton more people than we normally would.

Viernes/Friday we had several good citas with investigadores. We had a good lesson with our investigator Renaldo. He is super cool and likes learning. His wife and kids are less active members, and he isn’t a member so it’s fun to visit them and help them all to learn and come back to church. We also visited Vernaldina (the hermana who mostly speaks Quechua and has a leg problem). We had a good visit with her and then I bought a handmade blanket from her that’s pretty cool. She made it all by hand, from the sheep wool to string to colors and then made the whole thing, so it’s pretty cool. I really like it.

Sabado/Saturday we had a good day and visited several people and then also cleaned the pila bautismal (I don’t know how to say that in ingles sorry … baptismal font).

Domingo/Sunday we got up early and went to the church to get the water filled and warm for the baptism of David. He had just gotten married Saturday the 12, but he wanted to get baptized so we figured we could do it Sunday morning before church. It was super awesome, and I love the spirit I feel at each baptism. Church was good, and I’m finally starting to understand a little bit of the talks and such (since it’s all in Quechua). After church we made pizza with Renaldo and his family (who all came to church), so that was fun. That night when we got to Potosi we made cinnamon rolls with Elder Bird and his comp. I love cinnamon rolls, hahaha.

Today was a super awesome pday. We went and hiked some canyons and mountains and such, and then while our guides were cooking for us, we all played 2-hand-touch football, and it was super duper fun. I love football (Americano) so dang much, and it was soo fun. Anyway, that’s about all from me out here in Bolivia. Love you all and thanks for all the prayers and emails!!

Les amo
Elder Sorensen

Me, Nely (David's wife), David,
and my companion, Elder Vergara.

Everyone supporting David at his baptism.

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