This week was awesome!!
Christmas Eve was fun. We celebrated how Latinos do.. a big
dinner the night of the 24th. It was fun, but I was pretty tired. Haha. It’s
been a long time since I’ve stayed up super late. My comp made pollo de horno
de naranjas (orange chicken). It was really good.
Me and E. Salinas in our Christmas ties. |
Navidad was awesome. We got up and opened the presents I got
in my package from home. We were going to do some service for a lady in our
ward, but she wouldn’t respond to our phone calls so... hahaha. Then we went to
Potosi to video call our families. That was super awesome. I miss them lots,
and it was really fun talking with them.
Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had our district meeting in Potosi and
then went back to Betanzos. We looked for a lot of past investigadores and
several less active members and only found an investigator named Renaldo. He is
super cool and seems pretty interested. He is also a shoe maker and makes
really good abarcas/sandals that we are going to buy from him.
Talking to my family on Christmas. |
Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya and had several good
lessons. We didn’t find any of our investigadores out there, but we had a few
really good Noches de Hogar with two different member families. With one family
we shared a message that I really like. So my mom sent me these little plastic
rock things that glow and then glow brighter when you shine a flashlight on
them. We shared how the rocks that are closer to the light are a lot brighter
and can share that light with those who don’t have much light. So, Jesus Christ
is that light, our hope, our Savior and when we are closer to him, we can
obtain more light (like it says in Doctrina y Convenios 50:24). Once we have
that light from Christ, we need to share it with all those around us. We also
need to stay close to the light because if we make ourselves far away, we will
lose that light until eventually, we have almost no light or brilliance. It’s a
pretty cool lesson. I love teaching with examples or analogies because 1) I
learn a lot more each time and see it from a different perspective each time we
teach it and 2) the people understand easier. Well anyways, we ended up leaving
the last cita/appointment a little after 9p so, no more cars were passing, and
we had to walk home. Hahaha.
Viernes/Friday we again met with Renaldo, and it went really
good. We planned to go out to Lagunillas, but we the familia (Flia Wallpa) said
they were still working in their field. So we looked for a few less activos and
had a good talk with a less activo familia (whose kids are recent converts)
(Flia de Virigilio).
Sabado/Saturday we spent the morning getting stuff ready for
the ward Christmas Actividad. I made a ton of cookies, and then we had planned
a lot of minute-to-win-it games, and so we got stuff to do those games. The
actividad went pretty good. Some games needed some help to get them going, and
others games were super funny. It was a really good activity, and I think they
enjoyed it. E' Salinas and I had fun planning and doing it. Afterwards, I made
more cookies since we gave away all of the ones I made, and we didn’t get any. Hahaha.
I love cookie dough soo much, so most of the ones I made after the activity I
ended up putting in the freezer instead of the oven. Hahaha.
Gracias por
todo! Espero que tenían una feliz navidad y un próspero ano!! (Thanks
for everything! I hope you had a happy Christmas and a prosperous year!!)
Les amo
Me and E. Salinas with ??? |