Happy birthday to Ashley and Brianna!!!! Don’t worry I didn’t forget. |
So last Sunday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting. We all prepare
like 5 min talks, and then the person conducting just picks people. So I got
picked and the topic was on the plan of salvation, so I shared that super cool
analogy about our earth life being a weight room. I actually really enjoyed it.
Oreos from the Hancocks. They are the bestest ever. Tell them thank you, and I love them! |
A really cool video we watched this week that I encourage
you all to watch is called “Mountains to Climb”. It’s a Mormon Message video, I think. I really
like the part that he says, "If our faith is not securely founded in our
hearts, we will never spiritually survive challenges of life and be able to
endure (spiritually) to the end." It is soo important that we have a strong
testimony built on Christ (Helaman 5:12).
Also Dad, the dictionary you gave me is super awesome. Although
it’s a lil too big for my pocket; it has a ton more words and better
definitions. I have not used the other books yet, but I bet I will.
Also a story for the boys: Nucor Steel. We need to build a
culture of hard work. (They drove out a guy who didn’t work hard.) Dad, look it
up and share it. It’s a super good lesson.
Also, one of the wives of the ccm (training center) presidency
said, "Be the kind of missionary you mother would want you to be." Wow!
That was really cool and made me think of the stripling warriors who remembered
the words of their mothers. So thank you mom! I love you and thank you for all
you taught me, even when I was stubborn. Yes, don’t worry I write in my journal
every night, and yes, I use my notebook to take notes during lessons and talks and
such. :)
Also, I play the piano in some meetings and for sacrament
meeting, so that’s cool. Also Hermano Rosales, our afternoon teacher, (who I’ll
take a pic with on Sat.) taught me a super cool version of hymn 153 (Spanish
hymn), and we are gonna sing it this sacrament meeting. I love it.
Our lessons have been getting lots better. Before, my
comp would talk most the time cuz he knew a lot more Spanish, but we’ve gotten
lots better at splitting the time evenly. We’ve also learned how important it
is to plan specifically each lesson and then to follow the Spirit.
Last Saturday we didn’t have TRC cuz there weren’t enough
volunteers for everyone to get to teach. We did get to help another district
that Hmo Rosales teaches in the morning with the Book of Mormon studies. One
person picks a chapter or verses and we read out loud, and then we discuss them.
It’s super duper spiritual, and we learn a ton from each other.
Also, the other day our teacher brought us Mexican candy,
and we were super excited. But then only me and Elder Hall (from Yuma) were the
only two who liked it, so we got a bunch. Haha.
Ok, so for traveling. I leave here Monday at 11:45a--that’s
when the van leaves. There are eight of us going to Bolivia, but six go to the Santa
Cruz mission and only me and a hermana (sister) go to Cochabamba. And there’s
only one elder going to Santa Cruz. So our flight leaves at 4p, and we fly to Panama.
Then we wait for an hour or so there, and then fly to Santa Cruz, and then me
and the hma fly from there to Cochabamba. So it’s not too bad. Not sure why
like no other elders are going. Like all other countries have huge groups going
together. But oh well, I’m super duper excited.
That’s about it for this past week. Elder Bednar (a
modern-day apostle) comes this Friday which is gonna be awesome.
And I don’t know when I will write again, but I do know the
next time I will be in BOLIVIA!!! WOOOOO!!!!
Love you all lots!
Elder Sorensen
Note: Links are added to help provide a little explanation.
Note: Links are added to help provide a little explanation.
Me today. Before and after haircut. |
Our room. It’s a mess cuz we are packing. |
Our classroom. Normally desks are set up in like a rectangle--well only three sides of it. |
Super pretty green parakeet birds here that are super cool looking. |