Well this past week was awesome as always. Elder Bednar (one
of the modern-day 12 apostles of Jesus Christ) is coming on 8/24, so that’s
super exciting. This past week has been super crazy busy but it’s also been
super spiritual. So we are learning a lot more Spanish, like tenses and stuff,
and now this week is completely in Spanish--everything is but it doesn’t really
seem all that hard. It’s tough and you gotta think a lot. Lots of guys are
getting sick here from like a virus or something from one of the new elders. I’m
good though. A guy in our district got it, and we gave him a blessing, everybody.
It was like their first time, so they were super nervous but I was able to
settle them down and help them say the right stuff. I was so grateful Grandpa Sorensen
and Bishop Jones had given me the chance to get a little experience. So at the
TRC on Saturday it went super super good. [The TRC (Teaching Resource Center) is a place where you get hands-on teaching experience in a living-room setting. You and your companion teach a lesson you've prepared to a volunteer who is acting like someone who wants to learn more. They can record the lesson to help you see ways to improve your teaching skills.] So we were recorded in one of them and
afterwards the CCM (training center) president (President Bennett) called us
into a room and supposedly he had been watching it live in a little room, and I
guess we had made him cry because he felt the spirit soo strong when we shared
our testimonies so that was super duper awesome and really boosted our
confidence. He said to keep working on our Spanish, and we are doing great. Also
I met an hermana (sister) who is going to my same mission (the only other
person I’ve met), and she said a girl from her ward told her to bring skirts
that clean easy or can get dirty because apparently we will be teaching 90
percent of our lessons sitting on the ground. Man, I’m soo excited. That’s
gonna be so cool, and I can’t wait to teach people. I’ve been working hard on Spanish
memorizing 1 scripture a day and an average of about 100 words. It’s really
tough, and I am studying every second, walking, eating, everywhere. I’m
learning lots though. I’m sorry this one is so short. Most of the days we do
the same stuff—language, PMG (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service)
studying, teaching each other. It’s awesome though, and we are all getting lots
better. Soccer is still super awesome. All the letters and food in the mail are
the bestest. Last Tuesday we (the guys in my district) got 5 dozen donuts (delivered
in the mail from friends/family), and we were sooo happy. 3 elders got them; 2 got 2 dozen and 1 got 1 dozen. Then I got 2 dozen a few days later. We just kept eating until
they were gone. We were saying, “Well, not gonna have these in Peru (Bolivia
for me) so might as well eat another while they’re still fresh.” Hahaha. They
are awesome. We love getting mail.
Elder Sorensen
*Note: You can send messages or other goodies to Elder Sorensen through https://mtcmexicocarepackage.com/. It usually takes 1-2 days for delivery. Other packages sent directly by mail will not be received and likely will not be returned to you.
For letters/messages make sure to include his district: 10C
Use the following address in the shipping information when sending other goodies through the above website:
Elder Tanner Sorensen
Mexico Missionary Training Center
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Gustavo A. Madero
Colonia Zona Escolar
07230 Mexico City, Distrito Federal
Elder Sorensen
*Note: You can send messages or other goodies to Elder Sorensen through https://mtcmexicocarepackage.com/. It usually takes 1-2 days for delivery. Other packages sent directly by mail will not be received and likely will not be returned to you.
For letters/messages make sure to include his district: 10C
Use the following address in the shipping information when sending other goodies through the above website:
Elder Tanner Sorensen
Mexico Missionary Training Center
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Gustavo A. Madero
Colonia Zona Escolar
07230 Mexico City, Distrito Federal
Taken this morning 8/15/18. It was raining, and that’s the view from our front door. |
Me and Elder Godi from Oakland-ish, CA. We lift together every morning, and he is super cool. He is in my district and the room right next to mine. |
Me and Elder Moore, my companion. Just in case you forgot what I look like. Hahaha. |
We think we are kinda cool, I guess. Hahaha. |