WOOOO!! I absolutely
love it here being a missionary is so dang awesome. Every single day just gets
better than the one before. The spirit is soooo strong here and I just keep
learning so much, ok so last week on pday after I wrote, we went to the temple
which is always awesome. There weren’t very many Mexicans at all so the session
was mostly en ingles (in English) which was a little disappointing but some
stuff was still en espanol (in Spanish) so it was cool. I love the sprit I feel
there. We also went through the visitor’s center before we went in and I took
pics. I will explain the pics later. The rest of that pday was good. The next
day was good and one of the elders (Elder Asay from Iowa) shared a really good
analogy. He said life isn’t really a test, it’s a weight room. Father is our
trainer and Christ is my spotter. Father knows in order for me to get stronger
and like Him I need to struggle and work hard. So He adds more weight on the
bar. More times than not, I will be unable to get the bar up on my own. So
that’s why Christ is my spotter. He has put in the work before and knows how to
help me. However, like a good spotter, He will never take the weight away from
me or out of my control, He will still make me do the work and get the reps in.
however if I’m prideful and think I can do it on my own, I will find I can’t
and I will need to be humble and let Christ help me because if I don’t I will
get stuck and struggle. And unfortunately some people are stuck under the bar
their whole lives and never let Christ help them get it up. My job now is to
help people realize they have the best spotter and he can help them
overcome any weight (or trial). I really liked that analogy and think I’m gonna
share it in my talk this Sunday in Spanish though. I’m working on translating
it ahahhaah.
Last Saturday we had a thing called TRC which we don’t really know what it stands for but it’s when
people (members or investigators) from wards in Mexico City come to the ccm (training
center) and we get to teach them. We were all super duper nervous but once we
got started we realized it wasn’t that bad. Elder Moore and I met with a 17 kid
and talked with him for a while and then he asked about the melchezidic
sacerdocio (Melchizedek Priesthood) so that was super fun. We also met with a
family and I shared Mosiah 24:14-15 about how God will give us strength to
overcome challenges.
Sunday was absolutely
amazing. Fasting went really good and I felt the spirit the whole day. I don’t
have a lot of time to explain everything but we had this really good devotional
24th I think) anyways it was about the character of Christ and really made me
think. He said that Christ always siempre siempre (always, always) turned out
and helped others when the natural man would’ve turned in. I really liked that
and am really trying to live that way. He said when we do that’s when we become
truly converted to the gospel.
Oh the other day I
shared my experience and thoughts about the iron rod activity from AP camp and
really realized how amazing that experience was and how much it affected me.
I’m really glad I went to AP camp MAKE SURE EVERY SINGLE YOUNG MAN DOES.
Whether he wants to or not he needs it. Also seminary and mission prep have
been sooo helpful. knowing the principles for each lesson and having scriptures
to share with it is sooo useful especially having most memorized before I got
here was great because now it’s basically all in Spanish and I would be sooooo
completely lost and overwhelmed if I hadn’t got them down in ingles (English)
before. Now all I have to do is translate them which is not too hard.
Spanish is coming along
pretty darn good. Me and Elder
Moore try to speak solo espanol cada dia y (only Spanish each day and) at the
end of the day we reward ourselves with Oreos depending on how good we did. I
love it here and I love the spirit I feel. I know I’m doing the right thing and
I know I need to forget my desires and focus on the will of Christ and others.
Juan (John) 6:38 is basically my motto so far. Love you all!! Thanks for all
the emails I love them!!
con amor
Elder Sorensen
Me by a pole that measures how much the ground level of the temple is sinking.The top of the pole is where the level was when the temple was built.
Me by a scripture in the major building here at the ccm (training center) kinda like the welcome building.
It's the nicest building here; it's where we have our sacrament meetings.
Me under the Bolivian flag.
There are lots of flags in that same building right by the scripture on the wall. |
The elders in my district are all going to Peru Lima Norte, and they kinda joke like their gonna change my call so i can go with them to Peru. They're always joking how Peru is better than Bolivia. It's all good though; I'm soo excited for Bolivia!
My bed where I spend most of my time when we aren't in classes :) hahaha |