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Showing posts from 2018

2018-12-24: Super Good, Crazy Week

 Well this week was awesome and crazy at the same time, hahaha. Me! On top of a cellphone tower. Betanzos behind me. Tuesday/Martes was pretty good, but we didn’t teach anybody since none of the citas/appointments we had scheduled actually happened. It was kind of disappointing, but I don’t know why but we still felt happy and normal. I don’t know it’s kind of hard to explain. Wednesday/Mièrcoles was a lot better. We had some really good lessons and found 2 new investigadores that seem pretty interested so that’s exciting. Thursday/Jueves was awesome and crazy. We usually go out to a little pueblo called Tecoya. And since we've gotten our bikes fixed a little bit, we've been biking out and back. Well anyways, when we first got near our first cita, there were people loading big fat sacks of carrots in a truck to take into town to sell. So we helped, and man I’m pretty weak. Hahaha. It was a super awesome workout though, and I loved it. Then we helped our invest...

2018-12-17: Chicken Feet, Heart, and Stomach

Elders Bird, Salinas, Sorensen & Grotepas Hola everyone :) This week was pretty normal, but still super duper awesome. I love Betanzos a ton. I did eat a few crazy things. I’m getting pretty out of shape, and I’m super tired but ... that’s the life of a missionary I guess. Hahaha. Well, last Pday my comp cut my hair and did pretty good. Then while cutting his own hair, the power went out (hahaha), but then after a few minutes it came back. No worries. It was just funny to see him with one side cut and the other not at all. Tuesday/Martes we spent the entire day looking for people. We looked for the people we had scheduled, and they weren’t home. Then we looked for the people we had for backup plans, and they weren’t home. Then we looked for every single other past contact or less active members, hahaha, but didn’t have any lessons with anybody. Oh well, it was still a super awesome day, and I didn’t feel the least bit disappointed. Hahaha. Sounds crazy, I know. We...

2018-12-10: Hola Hola

Baptism of 8-year-old girl from Tecoya Well, the weeks seem to pass super duper fast. I love my area and my comp, and we have a ton of fun but also work like crazy, and I’m always super tired. Hahaha. Well, martes/Tuesday we got back to Betanzos (after going to Uyuni). We were pretty darn exhausted but after lunch we got to work. Literally everything we had planned fell through except one cita/appointment in the late afternoon but still it was a good day. While walking home, we laughed because we were both super tired and hungry but like super happy and Elder Salinas was like 'today was a good day'. I laughed and was like 'all our citas cancelled and we really only visited one person but you’re darn right, today was awesome.' Hahaha. Mièrcoles/Wednesday was kind of the same thing. We didn’t have any really set citas, but we looked for a ton of old investigadores and several less active members. We found several and set different citas but most of them wer...

2018-12-03: I LOVE BETANZOS

Me, Remedios, Virigilio, and Elder Salinas Saturday, December 1, 2018 Hahaha! Well, this week was amazing. I’m loving Betanzos a ton and my comp (Elder Salinas) is super awesome. We work hard and get a lot done. Ok so for this week, martes/Tuesday was super interesting. After returning to Betanzos (from Potosi for our district meetings), we had some really good citas/appointments (however a little interesting). We met with this one investigator that has tons and tons of questions. It’s interesting though because he doesn’t seem to want to accept the help we are trying to give him. We have tried to teach him the truthfulness of the scriptures and of the power of prayer and receiving answers from God, but he didn’t really like those answers. It was really sad to see somebody so distracted by Satan that he wouldn’t open his heart. We shared our heartfelt testimonies, and I felt the Spirit super strong, but still he didn’t believe us or have a desire to do the things we were invi...

2018-11-26: Week 1 in Betanzos

WOOOO!! Hahaha! I am soooo happy! Betanzos is super duper awesome and my comp, Elder Salinas from Ecuador, is AWESOME! Well I feel like a missionary soo much, like all my expectations about being a missionary have happened this past week: not understanding or being able to talk well, teaching lots of people, working til we are absolutely exhausted and helping other people increase their faith. I love it soooo much. Ok so last Monday we passed P-day as normal. Martes/Tuesday morning Elder Salinas and I went to Betanzos. We arrived a little before lunch. After lunch, we had several really good citas/appointments. I love how E' Salinas teaches, and we get along super, super great. Miércoles/Wednesday was awesome. We actually plan our days and use our time really, really well and get a ton done each day. Normally, we get up early to study Quechua, and then we plan our day and then get ready. Then we have personal study and companionship study, and then we leave the house arou...

2018-11-19: Conferencias y Cambios

Me playing chess with a kid of a lady we visit. These are all pictures from E. Cabrera. This week went pretty fast and was pretty fun. We didn’t do a ton of work which bugged me, but it was still a good week. After hiking up some mountains to some lakes last P-day, I realized I’m pretty out of shape and determined to workout better in the morning, hahaha. So martes/Tuesday morning, I had a pretty good workout and then I don’t know why but whenever I workout, I feel better, so I had a pretty awesome morning and got a lot done. Before we went to lunch, we went up and printed some pictures, which was pretty cool. After lunch we spent most the afternoon with Raul and his family. Ya, it was lots of fun and all, but really I didn’t feel like a good missionary. I felt like we were wasting way too much time and could've visited lots more people. There were a ton of little kids, so when we finally started the lesson, it was a lot of fun teaching the little kids. We taught the Pl...

2018-11-12: Traveling Everywhere

Me and Hermana Sorensen. She is from Cedar City, Utah, and I don't think we are related but still pretty cool. This week was super awesome and went by super duper fast, mostly because we were only in our area for like 3 days. But still we did a lot, and it was great. Pasado lunes/Last Monday in the night, I went to Sucre and then to Cochabamba martes/Tuesday in the morning. I spent the day in Cochabamba sitting in offices and signing papers for tramites (like my country legal card stuff). I got home martes/Tues in the night and I was pretty tired. Miércoles/Wednesday, the morning was a little slow, but in the afternoon we went out and visited the family that came to church last Sunday (Raul y Nora y their kids). We had an awesome lesson with them. Later we visited more contacts and investigadores we had out there. That night we took a bus to Betanzos. Jueves/Thursday we spent all day in Betanzos. In the morning, I worked with Elder Salinas. Both of us are learning...