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2018-11-12: Traveling Everywhere

Me and Hermana Sorensen. She is from
Cedar City, Utah, and I don't think
we are related but still pretty cool.

This week was super awesome and went by super duper fast, mostly because we were only in our area for like 3 days. But still we did a lot, and it was great.

Pasado lunes/Last Monday in the night, I went to Sucre and then to Cochabamba martes/Tuesday in the morning. I spent the day in Cochabamba sitting in offices and signing papers for tramites (like my country legal card stuff). I got home martes/Tues in the night and I was pretty tired.

Miércoles/Wednesday, the morning was a little slow, but in the afternoon we went out and visited the family that came to church last Sunday (Raul y Nora y their kids). We had an awesome lesson with them. Later we visited more contacts and investigadores we had out there. That night we took a bus to Betanzos.

Jueves/Thursday we spent all day in Betanzos. In the morning, I worked with Elder Salinas. Both of us are learning Quechua, so it was pretty cool. After lunch, we went out to this little pueblo called Tacoya. It’s kind of like Aguila to Wickenburg. It was super green and pretty. I worked with Elder Baros, and we visited a few cool people and helped them plant some cebollas/onions. It was sweet. It was super pretty. We walked a ton too. Hahaha. That evening we met at a house out there, and my comp (Elder Cabrera) did a baptismal interview with an 11-yr-old boy. It’s pretty cool, the elders have re-activated the dad, and now his 11 yr old and 8 yr old kids got baptized (on Saturday). That night, Baros and I took some sweet night pictures. He loves photography and knows what he is doing so it was super cool. We also made cinnamon rolls. Hahaha, and they were super duper good.
Night pictures with Elder Baros.

Elder Baros' night picture.
My night picture.

Viernes/Friday we got back to Potosí and visited Raul and Nora and their family again, and it went super good. We also visited a few other past contacts and then contacted a little. That night we had a Noche de Hogar/Family Home Evening with our ward mission leader, and we invited a recent convert and her younger siblings who we have taught a little bit. It went super good.

Sabado/Saturday we went back to Potosí (mainly just to bring them baptismal clothes but also to be there for the baptism). It was super nice, and partly in Quechua and partly in Spanish, so that was sweet. We got back to Potosí and went to visit the other super awesome family (Familia Cruz), but they weren’t home, and when we called they had forgotten. So we started contacting around there and past Raul and Nora's house, and they were outside digging a trench for a water line. So we stopped and helped them for a few hours. It was fun, but something that kind of bugs me is they are all short shovels. Hahaha! My whole time here I have never ever seen a normal shovel. Oh well. After helping them for a while, we confirmed they were coming to church the next day. Then we went to the dentista for my comp.

Domingo/Sunday we went to church, and Raul and Nora and 5 of their kids came. (We don’t really exactly know how many kids they have. Hahaha.) But 2 of them, we have taught several times and are pretty cool. Also the 2 siblings that were with us at the Noche de Hogar Viernes/Friday came. And then several other friends and family of miembros came. Soo.... in total we had 14 investigadores at church!! It was crazy but super awesome, and we were super excited. We made sure to get all their names and set up citas/appointments for this week. After church, we had a few good citas with a few investigadores who are interested but not really progressing too good. We stressed the importance of attending church and learning and helping others. I love 1 Corinthians, I think chapter 12 or 13, where it compares the church to a body. Just like the eye or ear or hand are all different members of the body and do different things, each one is necessary and benefits the others. Similar to people in the church, we are all different, but we are all essential and can really help the other members.

Last night we were going to go to Betanzos, and then this morning we were going to hike a mountain there, but... there’s like some big manifestations and blockades there sooo ... we didn’t go. Darn. Oh well. Today we hiked some mountains here in Potosí and went up to some lakes, but they were mostly dried up. It was kind of tough because we are so dang high in elevation and we are all out of shape. Hahaha. It was lots of fun though.

Sacrament prayer in Quechua.
That’s about it for this week. It was super busy and went by super duper fast. It’s also been super duper awesome to see people progressing and coming closer to Christ. I know this is His work, and I’m striving to be the best servant I can. I’m pretty excited for cambios/transfers which will be this coming Sunday. I will be done being trained. Hahaha. Won’t be a greenie no mas. Hahaha. I love Bolivia and the people here. Quechua is coming; I love studying it every day. It’s super fun talking to people in Quechua because they are always shocked, like what the heck is this gringo saying to me. Hahaha. I love being a missionary!! Thanks for all the emails and prayers. Love ya all!!

Elder Sorensen

Pictures of Tacoya (a little farming town, 20 minutes
from Betanzos).

Fields in Tacoya

This is Cerro Rico--the hill they have been 
mining for like years and years. 
The miners also worship the devil
 in there sooo... hahaha. It's pretty big though.

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