Well this week was awesome and crazy at the same time, hahaha.
Me! On top of a cellphone tower. Betanzos behind me. |
Tuesday/Martes was pretty good, but we didn’t teach anybody
since none of the citas/appointments we had scheduled actually happened. It was
kind of disappointing, but I don’t know why but we still felt happy and normal.
I don’t know it’s kind of hard to explain.
Wednesday/Mièrcoles was a lot better. We had some really
good lessons and found 2 new investigadores that seem pretty interested so that’s
Thursday/Jueves was awesome and crazy. We usually go out to
a little pueblo called Tecoya. And since we've gotten our bikes fixed a little
bit, we've been biking out and back. Well anyways, when we first got near our
first cita, there were people loading big fat sacks of carrots in a truck to
take into town to sell. So we helped, and man I’m pretty weak. Hahaha. It was a
super awesome workout though, and I loved it. Then we helped our investigator
plant potatoes a little bit. That was fun. On our way to our next cita, it
started raining super duper hard and then lightning super close. It was pretty
crazy, like the flash and thunder happened at the same time, and it was super
duper loud. And then, everybody just starts setting off dynamite, hahaha,
because I guess they say it makes the storm move away. It was cold and wet and
crazy, but awesome. We had 2 more citas after that, and they both went super
duper good, so it was all worth it. We ended up getting home pretty late, and
we were super tired but it was an awesome day.
Friday/Viernes we had to go to Potosi for district meetings,
and I got my Christmas package from home. That was super awesome. I also got
the Christmas card from the ward!! Thanks sooo much I loved that! After getting
back to Betanzos we looked for a few people and then prepared our classes for
Sunday (only to find out Sunday that we only had one hour of church, oh well).
Saturday/Sabado we left early to go to Tecoya again and had
a really good lesson with one of our investigadores who lives out there. The
rest of the day was pretty good. I really love studying the gospel. I have been
having super good personal studies of the Book of Mormon, and it’s super
awesome. We also have awesome companionship studies and learn a ton from each
other. My comp is super awesome. I’m going to be a little sad when cambios/transfers
happen (because he is probably going to go).
Sunday was interesting. We teach most of the classes in the
ward, but nobody told us there was only one hour so we were getting ready to
start our classes and everybody was leaving. We were super confused. Oh well.
Today was a sweet Pday. Elder Salinas and I hiked up the
highest mountain here in Betanzos. It was pretty sweet and reminded me a ton of
hiking Vulture Peak with my family on Thanksgiving or Christmas. That’s about
it for this week.
Hope you all have a good Christmas, and remember why we have
Christmas. We have been explaining to people here that Christmas is Christ’s
birthday. We are celebrating His birthday and just like with anybody else’s
birthday, we should remember him on that day. And then it’s always nice to try
to do things that they like or would make them happy. So, try to be more Christ
like and try harder to follow His perfect example.
Love ya guys lots! I’m super excited to see the familia
tomorrow!! Haha. Feliz Navidad de Bolivia.
Elder Sorensen
sorensen.tanner@myldsmail.netE. Salinas with Betanzos in the background. |