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2018-12-03: I LOVE BETANZOS

Me, Remedios, Virigilio, and Elder Salinas
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Hahaha! Well, this week was amazing. I’m loving Betanzos a ton and my comp (Elder Salinas) is super awesome. We work hard and get a lot done.

Ok so for this week, martes/Tuesday was super interesting. After returning to Betanzos (from Potosi for our district meetings), we had some really good citas/appointments (however a little interesting). We met with this one investigator that has tons and tons of questions. It’s interesting though because he doesn’t seem to want to accept the help we are trying to give him. We have tried to teach him the truthfulness of the scriptures and of the power of prayer and receiving answers from God, but he didn’t really like those answers. It was really sad to see somebody so distracted by Satan that he wouldn’t open his heart. We shared our heartfelt testimonies, and I felt the Spirit super strong, but still he didn’t believe us or have a desire to do the things we were inviting him to do. It was very sad, and we left kind of disappointed and frustrated... so I bought some ice cream for us, hahaha. I love ice cream. :)

Anyways, I've thought lots about the questions and doubts of this investigator and just of the whole thing. And I've come to the conclusion that we really don't need to know all things; we don't need to have all the answers. Our thoughts are not the same as God's thoughts. He is way smarter than any of us, and if we are smart, we will follow somebody who is smarter than us, even if we don't understand the reasons. We really need to know the Book of Mormon is true and really the word of God--a being much smarter than us. If we know the Book of Mormon is true, we will know that Joseph Smith really was a prophet of God. With these two key points to a strong testimony, we can know that everything the prophets say is the word of God, and thus the whole church is true. It’s good to increase in knowledge and learn as much as we can, but we shouldn’t focus so much on knowing everything and trying to understand every single thing. A solid testimony is made up of the things we learn to be true from the Holy Ghost. And we become truly converted when we actually act and do the things we have learned to be true from the Holy Ghost. I think sometimes Satan uses complicated topics or confusing things just to distract us from listening to the Holy Ghost. So I'd like to encourage each of you to read the Book of Mormon every day and pray to feel the Spirit and learn the truths that are contained in the book. Then, like it says in Mosiah 4:10, make sure you do the things you know are true.

Well, martes/Tuesday night we visited with Virigilio (14 yrs) and Remedios (13) and made sure they were ready for their baptisms (which were this past sabado/Saturday). It’s pretty cool because I had the chance to teach them a few times when I did intercambios/exchanges with Elder Baros (when I wasn’t in Betanzos). So I already knew them and had taught them several times.

Miércoles/Wednesday we had a super good day. We visited lots of people and got a lot done. It was pretty fun though because like 2 of our citas/appointments that day and a few people we contacted ONLY spoke Quechua (like really they don’t understand very much Spanish at all). It was pretty tough but super fun. We (Salinas and I) have realized how much we really need to focus more on Quechua. We study a ton already but we decided we need to talk more. So, one day a week we talk only Quechua. It’s pretty tough and kind of funny because we didn’t talk as much as we normally would, but still, it was good practice and we both had headaches by the end of the day. (That was Friday.)

Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya and had fun walking a ton and visiting the investigator and miembros who live out there. While walking, we determined we really need horses. Hahaha. A car is a for sure no way. Bikes are nice, but there are tons of hills and not always roads to houses, so we decided we really need horses. Hahaha. We ended up walking almost all the way home that night.

Viernes/Friday, Elder Bird and Grotepas came to do the baptismal interviews.

Sabado/Saturday, we went to Tecoya again in the morning, and then in the after we had the baptism of Virigilio and Remedios. It went really good, and we were super happy. After, we had an activity for the young men and young women. We watched the Testaments, and our pensionista and I had made cinnamon rolls for them. It was pretty good.

Domingo/Sunday, church in Quechua was pretty awesome. I taught the Primary (by myself while my comp taught the young men and young women). It was pretty fun, and I would like to thank all my primary teachers. I understand how they feel now, hahaha. It was fun though. I loved it.

Today we spent at the Salt Flats in Uyuni. It was an awesome week. Quechua is coming along little by little. My first baptism was pretty awesome and a really good feeling. I love being a missionary :) love ya guys!

Elder Sorensen

Elder Baros and Me. I replaced Baros in Betanzos
when he finished his mission.

Baptism of Remedios and Virigilio in Tecoya.

Elder Bird, Me, and Elder Grotepas
at Salt Flats for p-day.

Me at Salt Flats.

Hahaha. I won!
My companion, Elder Salinas and Me.

Me and Elder Salinas.

Lovin' Bolivia!

Some missionaries in our zone.

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