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2019-10-07: Rough Week

Well... this week was pretty interesting. Martes/Tuesday was awesome. We had Leadership Council, and it was amazing. As a mission we did really well in the month of September. However, in our zone, we didn’t do too well. We worked really hard, but our numbers didn’t really show it. It was kind of sad. But President Montoya is awesome and really truly inspired from God. He shared John 16:32-33. And then John 17, and it was a super, super spiritual class. I felt the spirit super strong and a ton of the questions and things that are bugging me right now, I received answers and possible solutions for each one. God is good, and President Montoya is awesome. We also had several appointments in the afternoon that actually went super good.

MiĆ©rcoles/Wednesday was also pretty good. We had a few good appointments with recent converts and a few new investigators. We also visited with Veronica (who was planning to get baptized this last Saturday).

Jueves/Thursday we worked really well. We had a visit with Evelin and Alexis. They are struggling financially and as a couple and family. It was super cool to share and try to help them spiritually. I really learned it helps and brings the spirit a ton when we share our own personal spiritual experiences. Me and Elder Norton talked about how when we share experiences, we show people we really live and believe the things we are teaching, and that we are not just here to teach what they told us to teach. Personal conversion is super important.

Viernes/Friday we had zone meetings, and it was super awesome to share the class and spirit we had just received from President Montoya in the Leadership Council. We had an appointment in the afternoon with Jhonathan and Melisa (2 super, super awesome investigators that are sooo ready and excited to be baptized but need to be married). It was pretty tough as they shared a lot of problems and how they really want to get baptized but are struggling a bit and don’t know how soon they’ll be able to get married. They are super awesome, but it was tough and sad to hear how it doesn’t seem to be happening soon.

Saturday we watched General Conference. IT WAS SOOOO AWESOME. Once again I saw examples and received answers and learned soooo many things. That night we had a visit with Alieta in the night. However we decided to take her to the Women’s Session of General Conference and then... we stayed there with her. It was incredible. I know Russell Nelson is the Lord’s prophet here on the earth. Alieta really seemed to enjoy it and was taking notes too!! AWESOME!!

Domingo/Sunday in the morning, Veronica called us and told us she doesn’t want to get baptized or come to church or even see us anymore, but only said it was her decision and didn’t want to tell us why or what happened... Man that was super tough. The few really good baptisms we had scheduled for the next two weeks have all failed. We’ve been working crazy hard, we’ve felt like nothing is progressing. Elder Norton said a few days ago “I feel like we are sprinting on ice.” Well, with those feelings and thoughts we went to watch General Conference. Man, I know God inspired those men to give talks that applied directly to us. Numberless times I heard that we receive joy and happiness and blessings as we are obedient. I learned that if I’m doing my job and keeping the commandments God has given to me, He is happy with me and will help me to feel joy. It was a pretty rough week, but we are learning from our afflictions and trusting completely in God. Trusting His designs, His plan of salvation, and most importantly His timing. I know God talks to us through His living prophets and apostles.

Les amo!!
Elder Sorensen

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