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2019-04-29: Teaching God’s Word

E. Puma (from Peru) and E. Sorensen
2019-04-29: Teaching God’s Word

Hello!! This week was pretty good and passed super-duper fast. It always seems like just yesterday was pday. Hahaha. The weeks pass quickly.

Well, ok so lunes/Monday night we got back to Betanzos from Potosi, and my comp wasn’t feeling too good. He was sick all day martes/Tuesday, so we didn’t do much that day--just lots of studying :) I really liked 2 Nephi 10:24 how it says we need to align ourselves with God instead of with other people, and then after we make that decision and take that action, then God will help us in the rest of our troubles and problems. I also love 2 Nephi 11:6. I am coming to recognize how much I love teaching people about the importance of Jesus Christ and His Atonement for us. I really feel the Spirit the strongest whenever I’m testifying or teaching about our Savior.

Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had a super awesome day. We decided to contact (basically looking for new people to teach) the whole day (since most of our investigators aren’t really progressing at all). So we literally contacted the whole day, and it was super awesome. We talked to and met lots of pretty awesome people, and it was amazing how quickly the day passed. We also visited Max and read with him and then later visited with Virgilio and Remedios. They are super awesome but have a hard time coming to church because their parents would rather have them work and help.

Jueves/Thursday we visited Hermana Daría and read 2 Nephi 24:3; I love that verse. Then we went out to Tecoya (but in a car because my comp’s bike is broken). We looked for several kind of less active members but none were home. We had a good day though and visited with the Estrada family, and we read in Matthew 25 about the analogy of talents.

Viernes/Friday we went to Potosi for our district meeting. The leaders shared a great lesson about do we do things out of obligation or out of love for God. Something good to think about. After the meeting we did intercambios/exchanges, and I stayed in Potosi with Elder Keate (from Colorado). It was an awesome day. We visited a lot of people. In one cita/appointment, while teaching the Plan of Salvation, the guy asked why God would send us away from Him and why we had to leave Him and come to Earth. We explained that first, we didn’t have bodies, but second and more importantly, we need to learn for ourselves and progress. While explaining that and afterwards, it made me think about a mission. I have spent my whole life learning about the gospel and such, but now I’m out here really learning it so much better because I’m learning it for myself in my own experiences and studying and teaching people. While teaching, I learn so much more I feel then the people I teach. I think, of all the awesome blessings that come from serving a mission, I think that being able to learn for myself the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ and become really truly converted is one of the biggest blessings.

Sabado/Saturday around 12p we finished the intercambios, but then Elder Puma (my comp) and I we stayed in Potosi for training for teachers of seminaries and institutes (since we teach institute class). It was pretty good, and the guy teaching mentioned that every lesson we teach should bring people to think and remember Christ more. In any lesson, we should learn from other people and the stories and such, but ultimately we should apply it to Jesus Christ because really He should be our focus in everything.

Domingo/Sunday was kind of goofy. One of the members in the ward was getting married and most of the people went to that instead of church, so there were only like 30 people in church, :( and we didn’t teach the temple prep class because most of the members weren’t there. After church, while walking home, we passed a church and there were a ton of people there and some guy invited us to come in and like “share the word of God.” I thought he was meaning like listen and learn from the word of God together. However, when we entered the church, he lead us right up the middle and just kept going to the front. Instantly I thought “Oh boy, he was meaning that we talk, that we share the word of God.” Hahaha. Man, we got pretty nervous walking up there. However, he led us right to the second to front row and we sat there (and didn’t have to talk). Hahaha. I was sitting there thinking about what I would say if I did have to talk, and I remembered a talk by Hank Smith where he talked in another church and started with something like “When we lose a soul, the whole world loses,” and then some lady shouted “Amen.” I kind of laughed to myself and thought I could say that because the people were shouting out Amen every 30 seconds. Hahaha. Later that afternoon we taught the institute class and then came to Potosi.

And that’s about it for our week. :) We stay pretty busy, and sometimes it gets tiring. But I know this is the Lord’s work, and He helps His servants and all those who come to Him. I love being a missionary and being a representative of Him and His gospel.

Les amo muchísimo!!
Elder Sorensen

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