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2019-04-08: Waiting for General Conference

Playing on a keyboard at a family's house.

This week was super awesome!! Mostly the whole week we were just waiting for it to be Sabado/Saturday so we could watch General Conference. We stayed busy inviting literally everybody we could to come to the conference.

Ok, martes/Tuesday we had a good district meeting about making our studies better. I figured I could probably do so, and this week was super cool because I studied a lot better. One day I was reading the Liahona with the talks from General Conference in October and read one by our prophet, Russell M Nelson. He said we sho

uld read the Book of Mormon marking and looking for everything that talks about or refers to Christ. I decided I should do that, so I started reading the Book of Mormon in English every morning and night looking for teachings of Jesus Christ. I have realized again how amazing the Book of Mormon is and how awesome I feel every time I read it. Reading it in Quechua has been awesome, and I learn a lot and still continue to do so, but I’ve realized maybe sometimes I get focused on the language more and understanding it more than just learning from the book itself. So I’d encourage each of you to do as our prophet says, read the Book of Mormon looking and learning about our Savior, Jesus Christ. When we do this, naturally we will draw closer to Him and our Heavenly Father, and through Christ, we can change and become better people. That is why Joseph Smith said if we abide by the principles of the Book of Mormon, we will draw closer to God. It’s because the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, and when we learn of Him and understand His character and Atonement better, we can be changed from the natural man and become better people. I love the Book of Mormon and especially the Spirit I feel every time I read it. A few verses I really like from reading this week are: 1 Nephi 10:6 we are all in a fallen state (from the presence of God). We all sin and make mistakes. The only way we can overcome this separation is by RELYING on Christ our Redeemer. I’m not really good with words and all, but I really like how it says RELY because it’s more like...mmm like... dependent or like we really truly need Him and can’t do anything without Him, not just kind of like letting Him help us for a little bit. I also really like 1 Nephi 13:16. It says that those who (after escaping captivity) humbled themselves, had the power of God with them. We all have challenges and problems in life, and when we overcome them, we need to remember that God really helped us, and so we need to stay humble. When we do this, God notices and is happy with us and will continue to bless us with His power and help in future problems. I love the Book of Mormon :)

Well, real quick about the week, martes/Tuesday we had a good day and had a good lesson with Remedios.

Mièrcoles/Wednesday it rained literally the whole day and was freezing, stinking cold. Hahaha. It was freezing. We visited with the Flia Munoz (Raul and Julia) and explained about prophets and how Christ has always talked to us through prophets and then how those prophets are going to talk to us in General Conference (the majority of our lessons this week were very similar). We also visited Max`s siblings. Max wasn’t there (which kind of worries me because we haven’t seen him in like 2 weeks), but we had a good lesson with his siblings about prophets and General Conference.

Happy to hear General Conference in English.
Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya, and we got our bikes finally. Our friend finally fixed my comps bike, and then when we picked them up, my comp did a few other things. Anyways, we were pretty happy to finally have them back. We went looking for our investigadores but didn’t find any home. It was kind of funny at one point we passed a truck and a several people loading carrots. The truck already had several ladies in the back with their stuff to sell, and so while we were helping load the stuff, one of the ladies said in Quechua, “Look! That white boy knows how to load.” Hahaha. I kind of smiled to myself mostly because I understood her, but also because everyone thinks that we don’t know how to play futbal or how to work or do other stuff. Makes me smile :) We had a good visit with Flia Estrada (Estrada family) about temples a little and about General Conference.

Listening to General Conference.
Viernes/Friday we invited like everyone we visited to come to Conference. Sabado/Saturday and domingo/Sunday were busy listening to General Conference. General Conference was super awesome, and I really know Russell M. Nelson is our Prophet and when he speaks, we need to listen and then act. I love you all lots!!

(Sorry to cut this short. We traveled to Uyuni at 3am this morning to go to Salt Flats again with our zone. This is my third time going, so I didn’t even really care to go. But most missionaries are lucky if they get to go at all on their mission here. I am one of three missionaries in our zone who has been to Salt Flats before, so we have a younger group of missionaries. But that’s cool because we all just want to work.) ‘Til next week.

Les amo.
Elder Sorensen

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