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2019-04-15: Getting Pretty Cold

Salt Flats: April 8, 2019

Well, it’s getting pretty cold over here. Sounds kind of funny, I know. We had a good week even with all the wind and rain and cold.

Ok. Martes/Tuesday we had our district meeting in the morning and then got back to Betanzos and had lunch and went to work. In the evening we met with Virgilio and Remedios. Normally Virgilio (the boy) is happy and joking around the whole time, but this time he seemed kind of mad and like not himself. We tried to cheer him up or joke with him, but he was just quiet. Well, we continued with our plan to read Ether chapter 12, and after 20 or so versiculos/verses, he changed and was himself again. After, I was thinking how awesome the Book of Mormon is; it literally helps in every situation. I have really been learning about the importance of the Book of Mormon. (I’ll share a little more later.) While reading Ether 12 with Virgilio and Remedios, I really liked verse 41 that says, ''I would commend you to seek Jesus'' and also verse 28 that says faith, hope and charity bring us to Christ.

Mièrcoles/Wednesday was a pretty good day. We went to see tons of past contacts and investigators, but either they forgot about the cita/appointment with us and told us to come back later or they weren´t home. We did visit with the Hermana Daría. Well, actually she wasn’t home either, but we went in anyways and cleaned her like restaurant and kitchen and such, and then eventually she showed up. Hahaha. She’s awesome. We also visited with Renaldo and Nelinda and read the verses in Ether 12 that I liked from the other day.

Jueves/Thursday we had several citas in the morning, but they also fell through. Dang. In the afternoon we biked out to Tecoya and had a good day. We visited first with Jose Luis and his brother Daniel and helped them a little bit. (Daniel is building his house.) Then, we saw Victor out in his field and walked out there to him and helped him pick carrots and then carry them from his field to the road. Right about when we were finishing, it started raining pretty good. We left soaking wet and went to the Bishop’s house looking for shelter, but nobody was home so we just stood by the wall to not get as soaked. It was pretty dang cold. Eventually the rain stopped a little bit, and the bishop got home about that time. We visited with him and talked about how we can prepare more for the temple and stuff for the ward. Then we went out and visited the Flia Estrada (Estrada family). We read about Daniel and the lion’s den. I really liked when it says that Daniel was saved because he “trusted in his God.” I was thinking later, do I trust in God as much as Daniel did?

Viernes/Friday we had an awesome day. In the morning we visited Vernaldina (an lady who speaks only Quechua and has a leg problem). It was sweet because I understood a lot better and my comp speaks fluently, so we were able to talk with her a lot better. In the afternoon we visited with Claudia and read Alma 34 with her. I have come to love reading the Book of Mormon, by myself but even more with investigadores and members. Later we visited with Raul and Julia and also read Alma 7 about Jesus Christ and His Atonement for each one of us. We also helped them prepare a ton of food that they would sell the next day.

Sabado/Saturday we visited with 2 abuelitas/grandmas who only speak Quechua. They are super awesome and funny. One of them I could barely understand anything, and the other one I understood almost everything. Hahaha, man its tough. It was super fun though.

Domingo/Sunday was awesome. Church was great, and I shared my testimony in Quechua. That was fun. I think I’m getting the hang of it, but other times I am lost. Haha. After church we taught a Temple Prep class. It went super good. Preparing the class, I learned a ton and felt the Spirit super strong. When I started the class, I asked how many had been to the temple and only like 5 had and like 12 or more hadn't. During the class, I was learning a ton myself. Teaching them about the Plan of Salvation and all, I realized how extremely important Jesus Christ is to the whole plan. We need Him, I think more than we realize. I love 2 Nephi chapter 9 verses 10-13. Only through Jesus Christ can we overcome spiritual death and physical death. After more thinking, and our institute class on the Book of Mormon, I realized the Book of Mormon is soo important because when we read it and live its teachings, we really can come soo much closer to Jesus Christ. For example, I loved Ether 12 verses 28 and 41. The Book of Mormon is full of teachings of our Savior and how we can come to him. I really love 2 Nephi 2 verse 28 (I shared it in Quechua in my testimony Sunday), “And now, my (friends), I would that ye should look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit.” I am starting to realize how everything connects together and why certain things are so important. I love being a missionary and being a representative of Jesus Christ. This week was awesome :)

My comp is awesome and speaks Quechua a lot better than me. We have started reading the Book of Mormon in Quechua everyday together out loud. It’s fun, and we are both learning from each other. I love it out here in Bolivia. The food is alright, hahaha. Lots of potatoes. My mom asked me about the water and electricity and food and such hahaha sooo... well we don’t have much water out in Betanzos. We only get water from the city like once every 2 or 3 days. When it comes we fill up every tank in the house, but it doesn’t last very long with washing clothes by hand and cooking and showering. So normally... hahaha I only shower like 2 or 3 times a week. Also for electricity, normally its good, but like twice a month, it will be shut off for like 24hrs normally. So I’ve gotten used to studying by candle light at night. Hahaha. Kind of funny. It’s also getting super cold over here, but there’s no such thing as heating, only just wear more clothes and put more thick blankets on the bed. Hahaha. I’ve also gotten used to walking around in Bolivian abarcas (shoes from truck tires and leather) and carrying my scriptures in an awayo (a blanket that rolls into a backpack). Hahaha. I love it out here :) Love ya all lots.

Les amo
Elder Sorensen

PS: Here's some pictures from our pday last Monday to Salt Flats.
Our Zone @ Salt Flats
E. Sorensen, second from left

E. Sorensen

Sunset @ Salt Flats

Reflections at Salt Flats

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