Playing American Football with E. Wamsley |
This week was super more awesome!! Hahaha. I know I say
every week is awesome. But really, for me, looking back each week, I’m amazed
at all the cool things that happened and how often I can see God’s hand in my
life. This week was great.
Martes/Tuesday we had a super awesome day. It was kind of
funny because we had a full day of citas/appointments, but we headed towards
each one, and literally all but two fell through. Dang! So we had a ton of time
to kill, but we kept working and eventually had some good lessons. We met with
a lady named Migelina and her husband Alejandro. We talked with them for a
while (kind of mostly Quechua), and then started teaching them a little bit
about the Plan of Salvation. It was going pretty well until the husband stopped
us and said he was super tired and wanted to go to bed, but that we could come
back later. I’m not sure if we did something wrong or what. I don’t know, but
hopefully we can help them learn more about the Christ. Later we visited
Virgilio and Remedios and explained a little bit about temples with them. It’s
super cool to see how every time we teach about the temple, people get excited
and want to go there. I know it really is the House of the Lord and a very
sacred and special place. I love going to the temple and miss the awesome
feeling I get every time I go. (Hahaha. Funny note. We contacted a guy martes,
and he was kind of funny and asking us about our women and if we live with our
women or if we are here looking for a woman. Haha. Or what happens when we miss
our women a lot. It was kind of funny because we tried to explain we are
missionaries and here to serve the Lord and teach people. And he was like, ahhh,
ya of course, but every now and then.... Hahaha. I guess he just didn’t
understand. I don’t know.)
Mièrcoles/Wednesday was awesome. We visited with an awesome
investigator named Mabel. She is like 15 years old, and Elder Salinas and I were
teaching her. She was progressing and learning a ton and then went to a little
pueblo like 1.5 hours away (since it was school vacations). Well, classes
started this past week, so she came back and we had an awesome visit with her,
and I was surprised about how much she remembered from the lessons we taught
before. Later we went to a less active family (Flia Perez) and had a super
awesome lesson reading 1 Nephi 22 and comparing it to the Bible and all the
prophecies that have, are, and will come true. It was super cool to help them
realize why the church is so important and how what’s happening now has been
prophesied about like thousands of years ago. We also explained and taught more
about the temple, and once again I felt the Spirit confirm to me that it really
is a house of the Lord.
Jueves/Thursday was awesome, no doubt. We went out to Tecoya
and had an awesome day. First, we were looking for an investigator that came to
church the last week. We didn’t know exactly where she lived, so we contacted a
few people asking about her or where she lives. We finally found her house and
after talking with her for a little bit, she asked about baptism and what she
needs to do to be baptized! Dang! So of course we taught her the principles and
ordinances of the gospel and ended up setting the goal for her to get baptized
the 9 of March. That was super sweet. Later while looking for a few other
investigators and members, we helped load lettuce and, later down the road,
carrots into trucks. It’s super fun to just be passing by on bikes, and they
usually yell like ´help us´ in Quechua, and then we stop and go over to them
and start lifting and loading. Then we have a chance to talk and maybe even a
chance to teach. Haha I love it.
Viernes/Friday we went to Potosi for our district meeting,
and Elder Bird (our district leader and like my best friend out here) gave a great
lesson on changing our nature and becoming more converted, but not just
changing behavior but really obeying and improving because we really want to do
so. It was sweet. Back in Betanzos, we had a great lesson with an investigator
named Claudia (who works in a pharmacy). We taught about the steps of the
gospel, and she accepted it all really well and said she really wants to follow
Christ better. So we helped her set a goal to be baptized the 16 of March. She
is awesome. Later in the night we had a great meeting with Max. He is super
quiet but very smart and understands really well what we teach. He will be baptized
this coming Sabado. Our lesson on Friday went super well, and he started
opening up a little more and we could see his real desire to get baptized. It
was super cool.
Sabado/Saturday we visited with him again, and we are super
excited for his baptism and he is more than ready. We also went out to Tecoya
again and visited with an investigator named Nicol. She is super cool but has a
few things she needs to do before she can be baptized, so we are helping her
with that. She has a great desire to learn more though and that’s awesome to
Domingo/Sunday we stopped by a ton of our investigators and less-active
families, but nobody had time except for Max. Haha. He is super awesome. A few
other investigators showed up later, from Tecoya, which is always awesome to
see their dedication and faith. Later we went out to Tecoya again and visited a
few members. Then we went to Potosi. Today we played futbal all morning and
then had lunch.
And that’s about all for this week. It was super awesome and
we stayed super busy. It’s also freezing cold and raining pretty frequently.
But thank goodness for mate. I love that stuff so dang much. Hahaha. I’m also
trying hard to learn Quechua faster, and it’s coming along. It’s super confusing
at times, but little by little it’s improving. Haha. As some maybe know,
missionaries are now aloud to call their families each week. I talked to my
family today through the computer at the internet café. I am already seeing
blessings from it. I have been getting a little lazy or complacent (is that the
right word, I don’t know) and talking with my mom today, she helped remember
why I’m really out here, what my real purpose is, and what my focus and efforts
should be. I’m so thankful for my parents and their examples to me, as well as
my grandparents and all that support me and help me learn and be a better
servant of the Lord. I encourage each of you to look around in your life and
recognize the people that do a lot for you and thank them. I love ya all and
hope everything’s going good. Word on the street is that it might snow in good
ole Wick. Dang! I don’t know why it’s got to snow while I’m gone. Hahaha. Anyways,
love ya guys!
Les amo
Elder Sorensen