This week was awesome. Of course every week is awesome.
Anyways, martes/Tuesday was lots of fun. I stayed in Potosi
and went on like a goofy intercambios/exchange with Elder Keate and Elder Bird (in
E´ Bird’s area). My comp went with E´ Keate’s companion in their area. It was a
little different being in a trio (three elders not just two like normal), but
it was lots of fun. We had several super cool experiences. The coolest for me
was when we were teaching a family about the principles and ordinances of the
gospel. It was super cool because I was just listening to the other two elders
teach, and I felt the Spirit super-duper strong. I was thinking how it’s kind
of crazy that here we are in Bolivia, three different guys from totally
different places, teaching the exact same thing that we each know is true. It
made me think how the things we are teaching, really, truly do come from God,
and they are really His words and ideas. It was just another powerful reminder
of how true this church really is.
Mièrcoles/Wednesday we got back to Betanzos and got to work.
We met with Renaldo and it went really good, but first we got to work on his
marriage before his baptism. But it’s sweet because we are helping him and also
his girlfriend (wife) who is less active.
Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya (on bikes) and ...
well didn’t have a ton of success. We were looking for several really awesome
investigadores that live out there, but we didn’t find a single one. (They were
either working or just not home.) We did have a good Noche de Hogar (Family
Night lesson) with Flia Estrada (Estrada family) so that was cool. They asked
us about temples, so we explained it all to them and now they set a goal to go
to the temple in May to be sealed. It also made me think about how much I miss
going to the temple (the last time I went was in Mexico). In our mission we can
go but only if we’re in Cochabamba (like if that’s where you are serving). I’m
out past Potosi soo …
Viernes/Friday was busy. We went to Potosi in the morning
for our district and zone meetings. In the afternoon, we got the full directory
of our ward (all members) and started listing who we can look for or who is less
active. And then we went looking for them. It was pretty cool because we
actually found several of them. We also got a reference from Elder Bird, so we
went and found that family. They are super awesome. The mom is Silvia and like
30ish. The kids are Hiado (13 años) and Sadith (9 años) and a little baby. They
are super-duper awesome and have already started reading the Book of Mormon and
have a ton of awesome questions and want to learn more.
Sabado/Saturday was sweet. We found an investigador named
Luis. He normally isn’t home or doesn’t have time, but we stopped by and he had
time. We had a really good lesson with him and really got to know him and his
wants and goals better. It was super awesome. Later, we had a meeting with the
Bishop and planned how we can better help the ward. Later we went to Tecoya to
visit a family. It ended up being perfect that we went because the mom had
recently broken her arm (and we didn’t know), so we gave her a blessing and let
her know that she would heal and it would all be good. I also got to practice a
lot of Quechua, hahaha, mainly because she was sad and scared and not really
focused on talking to me, so she just flowed in Quechua (because that’s what
they normally speak and are more comfortable with). So that was cool. I’m
getting better; I’m starting to recognize words better and understand a lot
better. Not perfect at all, but definitely better. We got back to Betanzos and
played futbal with several contacts and investigadores. We invited a ton but
not many came. Oh well. My comp is super good and he has been teaching me a few
things. I really like playing it now.
Domingo/Sunday was pretty weird. It was elections or
something here, so they didn’t have church (in all Bolivia, I think but I’m not
really sure). It was pretty weird, but it helped me realize how important it is
to go to church each week. It was also weird to not invite every investigador
and contact and such to church. It was a good day though, and we were able to
visit lots of people (mostly less active members). Then that night we came to
Today we played soccer, and I really love it and am kind of
good. Kind of, not really, hahaha.
I’m loving being a missionary. Hope everything is going good
back home with you guys. Love you lots! Les amo!
Elder Sorensen
Me & E. Vergara |
E. Vergara |
Potato Treatment ??? |