Just messin' |
Martes/Tuesday after our district meeting we went back to
Betanzos. After lunch, we went to work. We had several pretty good contacts
(that we ended up having good lessons with later in the week). We also had a
super good lesson with Silvia and also got to meet her mom and teach her too.
We taught about the Plan of Salvation, and it was super cool to help them clarify
and learn more about things they had learned from the Bible. It was a super
awesome lesson. We also visited with Max (tiene como 15 años), and normally he doesn’t
talk very much. (He is kind of shy.) But this time, we tried just being friends
and talking with him, and he started to open up a little more and we ended up
inviting him to get baptized the 23 of febrero. He is super cool and
understands what we teach; he just needs a little stronger testimony and to learn
for himself the things we teach are true.
Mièrcoles/Wednesday was pretty good. We visited several
investigadores and then had a super good lesson with a past contact (named
David como 40 años). He is super cool. We tried to talk with his whole family
but ended up just teaching him about the Restauración del Evangelio (restoration
of the gospel). Later that night, we read a little from the Book of Mormon with
Virgilio and Remedios.
Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya in the afternoon and didn’t
have a ton of success finding the people we wanted to teach, but we did help
plant cebolla (onions) for a little bit. Later we had a Noche de Hogar (Family
Home Evening Lesson) with the Familia Estrada and we taught them more about
temples and such. It will be super cool to see them go to the temple together.
Viernes/Friday we had a super awesome day. We had several
awesome lessons. First we had taught a referencia that we got from our
pensionista, and who we contacted martes. Her name is Claudia. She was asking
us about the end of the world, and so we read 1 Nephi chapter 22 with her. It
was pretty cool because we still taught about the Restoracion of the gospel but
in a different way. It helped me remember that we are here to teach people and
what they need--not just set lessons. Later we visited with an investigador,
named Luis, and taught about the steps of the Gospel. During the lesson, my comp
was teaching about how faith is very powerful but requiere acción (requires
action). Luis said something about fe (faith) moving mountains, and I got to
thinking (something rare, I know, hahaha). I always used to be confused, or not
really understand, how faith moves mountains. (I mean if I have enough faith
will the whole mountain just pick up and move?) I got thinking that since faith
requiere acción, then maybe to move a mountain with faith, it would take work.
So... I thought if you want to move the mountain, get an excavator and haul
truck and the faith will be like the motivation to keep working. Hahaha. I don’t
know. Maybe that didn’t make a lot of sense, but to me it did :) Later we had
another awesome conversation and lesson with another contact (named Cristina,
16 años). She was asking a lot about other churches and why there are so many,
so it was sweet to be able to answer those questions.
Sabado/Saturday we had a cool lesson with the daughter-in-law
of a member. She was telling us about how she had spent many years looking for
the right church that follows the Bible the closest. Well, she had spent many
years but never found “the one,” so it was cool to teach her. We read 1 Nephi
chapter 13 and explained about the Bible and Book of Mormon and the Restoracion.
It was super cool, and she had a ton of questions, but it was still super
Domingo was good. A few leaders (in Primary and Relief
Society) came to our ward and are helping a bit, which is really nice because
our ward here needs help, and it’s hard for us as missionaries to do it all.
Today, we played futbal and football (American). It was pretty awesome. Oh ya
yesterday night we got our cambios/transfers and me and my comp are staying in
Betanzos, so that’s sweet. He won’t be district leader anymore.
This week was pretty awesome. Quechua is still improving little
by little. I love reading the Book of Mormon in Quechua because it uses
different words or phrases to say things, and it gives me a different
perspective. Like for example in the Book of Mormon, Nephi says he forgave his
brothers. But in Quechua it sayings kind of something like “Of all their evil
works, I did bury them.” It’s kind of confusing to translate to English exactly,
but basically forgive is the word that also means ‘to bury.’ It made me think
that if we really forgive somebody for something we should ‘bury’ it; put it
away, forget about it, and move on with life. Don’t keep digging it back up.
Forgive and forget :) Hahaha. Just a little note from my personal study of
Mormompa Libronmanta :) Love you all. Hope ya have an awesome week!
Les amo
Elder Sorensen