Hello!! We just got to the mission home a bit ago. Flights all went good. When we got to the Cochabamba airport there were like 15-ish missionaries singing “llamados al server” (Called to Serve) and the mission president and his wife greeted us. Only six of us arrived today--3 elders and 3 hermanas (sisters). We ate at a food place there, and it was pretty good. Oh ya, I bought Subway and helado (ice cream) in Mexico y Panama. P-day (preparation day) is lunes (Monday). Today we are going to get interviews (with the mission president) and then rest. I’d like to go to work, but I’m super duper tired and that’s what they said we are doing so... it’s all good. Sooo happy to finally be here. Love you lots!! Elder Sorensen Our district (12 elders - 11 going to Peru, me going to Bolivia) with our teacher, Hermano Rosales. Our classroom. My district with our teacher, Hermana Gomez. Hermana Gomez & me. Hermano Rosales & me.