New missionaries with their trainers with President and Sister Whitesides. HELLO!!! This week was pretty crazy and super awesome!! Last week we had transfers. So I spent Monday and Tuesday with Elder Norton. (He was my comp when we were in Bolivia. Now we are in the same zone, and we are both training.) We worked super hard together, and we had some awesome lessons. We were both super happy to finally have a good comp and lessons that flow well. It was awesome. Wednesday we went to Cali to receive our new comps. They are brand new, fresh out of the MTC. And turns out... we are both training two new elders. So now I’m with Elder Ortigoza from Guatemala (from San Felipe) and Elder Ferreira, from Cartagena, Colombia. Elder Ferreira is going to the Ecuador Quito Mission, but he doesn’t have his visa yet so he will be here for a while. We don’t know how long. They are both awesome missionaries and super excited to work hard. We got back to Cerrito Wednesday night. ...