E. Waldvogel & E. Sorensen - hiking in Betanzos |
Last lunes/Monday after p-day finished, we went and visited
the Flia Taboada (in our ward here in Potosi). They are a super cool family,
and the older mom is a super good cook and made super-duper awesome brownies.
We shared a good spiritual message with them from Alma 11:22-25 and discussed
how we need to focus more on loving God instead of worldly things and also
about how we can resist temptations. I liked how it says that “the righteous don’t
listen to any temptations”. I think that’s because those who really want to follow
God and do His will have no desires to do anything contrary to His will.
Super awesome brownies and awesome spiritual-ness. Win win. Later lunes, we
also visited a less-active family. The dad’s name is Edwin, and he served a
mission in California and speaks perfect English. His wife is Jenny and they
have two little kids. We visited them and were super happy when they came to
church on Sunday. The whole family!! It was awesome.
Martes/Tuesday we had reuniones/meetings in the morning and
visited several people in the afternoon. We visited the Flia Cervantes (the dad
is the mayor of Potosi, and they are super rich). Anyways, we had asked the
younger daughter to teach a lesson, but she forgot so we used it as a good
teaching opportunity to help the teenagers in the house prepare for a mission
and learn how to share a favorite scripture from the Book of Mormon or Bible
and make it a discussion/lesson. It was pretty good. We discussed 1 Nephi 1:1
because that’s the verse the girl liked and it was a good spiritual lesson. I
love feeling the Spirit in the lessons, and it’s just like a confirmation to me
that I really am doing the Lord’s work and He is helping us.
Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had a pretty good day and visited
lots of people. We visited an sister named Juana who is less active but really
wants to change and come back. And she actually came to church this Sunday with
her two kids! AWESOME!!! We also were able to find Melvin (the goofy 10 yr old
kid). He said he is going to travel for a week or so, but when he gets back he
wants to get baptized, so that was super exciting and we were happy for him. We
also helped with an English class in a different ward nearby because a member
of our ward told us her friend (who lives in our area) comes to the classes.
Well unfortunately that friend didn’t come that class, but we still helped and
it went pretty well. I’m really surprised because they are learning English pretty
quickly and can actually speak pretty well.
Jueves/Thursday we planned and visited several people.
Unfortunately we couldn’t find Celia (who was supposed to get baptized), so
that was a bummer. But we did go down to Centro and do a baptismal interview
for them. It went well, and the girl was super excited and ready to be
baptized. We also had correlation with our ward mission leader and the other
set of elders in our ward. It went pretty good and the guy sounds super willing
and excited to help us, but I guess we will see what happens. We also had the
Noche Misional (Mission Night) that the other elders in our ward were in charge
of. It went pretty good but not very many people came. We did get a few kids
off the street to come in, and they seemed to enjoy it.
Viernes/Friday we went out to Betanzos and had a pretty fun
day. We passed by all of the investigators and contacts. We visited and talked
with tons of people, but we didn’t teach too many lessons. Mostly just checking
up on them, encouraging them to read, and inviting them to church on Sunday. We
did have a good visit with Julia and Raul. (Raul is less active and Julia isn’t
a member). We read Luke 15 about the hijo prodijo (prodigal son). It was
awesome to share how much God really loves us and how much He really wants us
to return to Him and how He will always be ready and happy to receive us. I
also feel the Spirit super strong when we testify of God’s love for us. We also
visited Virgilio and Remedios and Max, and they are doing good but still not
going actively to church so that’s kind of sad.
Sabado/Saturday we returned to Potosi from Betanzos in the
morning. We were pretty busy in the afternoon getting stuff ready for our
travels (to a training meeting in Cochabamba) and food for the other elders who
would be traveling a lot more than us. We did visit several people though
including the Flia Magne. They are super awesome, and the older grandma is
super funny. We talked the entire time in whispers because the little baby was
sleeping. Midway through the lesson she made my comp stop talking and wouldn’t
let anybody talk for like 5 minutes because the baby was stirring and waking up
a little, and she wanted the baby to keep sleeping. Silly, hahaha.
Domingo/Sunday we had an awesome church day and several less
actives and investigators came to church. We didn’t go to the carcel/jail
because the Hna wasn’t going and said we don’t need to go. We did visit the
Flia Quispe, and we continued with their reading of the Book of Mormon in Ether
8. It was super cool to read a chapter that talked about wars and bad stuff but
still get a good spiritual message out of it. In the evening, we took a little
taxi to Sucre, and then today we took a flight from Sucre to Cochabamba (for
consejo de líderes/Leadership Meeting). So, today we´ve spent all day in Cocha,
and it’s been pretty fun. I´ve basically just hung out with Elder Bird (my
closest friend out here), so it’s been sweet. This week was pretty cool.
P-day Activity with the entire zone. |
Les amo