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Showing posts from June, 2019

2019-06-24: The Work in Potosi (Cerro Rico)

HOLA HOLA!!!  Well, sorry I didn’t write much last week. Basically 2 weeks ago, Elder Puma and I worked hard in Betanzos. We stayed busy, and it was pretty cool to see how much my comp had grown from our first day together to our last week together. He led us that week, and we did really well. I was pretty excited to leave Betanzos with him and let him keep going with the people we were visiting. I packed up all my stuff Sunday after church because we were pretty sure I would be leaving Betanzos. Well, Sunday night we got our cambios/transfers and ... Elder Puma got sent to Cochabamba and I got sent to Potosi, and Betanzos got closed (like there are no missionaries in Betanzos now). That was really sad, and E. Puma and I were pretty upset and sad. Kind of funny that I’m staying in Potosi though. I have been here my entire mission, hahaha. But sweet because I can still go out to Betanzos once a week. So, last lunes/Monday, Elder Puma and I went back to Betanzos, and while he...

2019-06-17: Back to Potosi

Elder Tanner Howell from Utah. He is the missionary I am replacing in Potosi. Elder Sorensen didn’t have much time to write today. So here’s the short version from him: Tuesday I went on exchanges in Betanzos with Elder Roncal (from Peru). He’s pretty cool. Thursday we were supposed to have a baptism for a 9-year-old girl, but her brother got hurt in a motorcycle accident. The brother is okay, but the baptism was postponed until this next Saturday. Sunday evening we found out our transfers. My companion Elder Puma is going to Cochabamba, as well as Elder Nieto. I was all packed and ready thinking I would be the one going to Cocha, but I’m going back to Potosi (haha) to be a zone leader with Elder Waldvogel in Cerro Rico 2 (that’s what the area is called). I am replacing Elder Howell (from Utah). It will be Elder Waldvogel’s last transfer before going home. In missionary lingo, they say I’m going to “kill” him—meaning I’m his last companion before sending him home. He ...

2019-06-10: Last Week in Betanzos (most likely)

E. Neito (from Ecudaor) and E. Sorensen HOLA HOLA!!! Well this week was a bit crazy. It is freezing cold here. I never have been anywhere so cold for so long. Haha. So I was sick most of the week, but we still worked hard and had an awesome week. Well, ok so, martes/Tuesday we had district meetings, and then afterwards we returned to Betanzos. Then we went out to Lagunillas to the Flia Huallpa (Huallpa family). We got several references from them of people who live in Lagunillas, so hopefully we will be able to find them this week. We had a good Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening Lesson) with them about Luke 10 and the Good Samaritan. I love that family :) Well unfortunately, the hermanos (brothers) car wasn’t working, and there were no cars returning to Betanzos ... so we had to walk all the way home. Like a little over 2 hours of walking. Hahaha. And there was no moon, and all we had was the little light from the phone because I forgot my flashlight. It was pretty cold an...

2019-06-03: Freezing Cold, but I Love It Out Here!

Well this week was crazy awesome. Hermana Daria & E. Sorensen. Wearing the poncho she gave him. Martes/Tuesday we had zone conference so we stayed in Potosi. In the morning we went and did service for an older lady. While walking home I got bit by a dog. I’m not a dog fan. It didn’t even leave a mark but still annoying. Conference was awesome like always. Afterwards I talked a while with a guy named Elder Clayton who opened the Betanzos area about a year ago. It was super fun to see who he visited and how they are doing now and all the changes and stuff that hasn’t changed. Haha. It was fun. Mièrcoles/Wednesday we spent the whole morning visiting a few people and contacting. It went super well, and we found several pretty good people. After lunch we had an awesome lesson with a lady named Sandra. We contacted her last week, and she told us that she goes to church but she wants to know which church is the true church. So you bet we had an awesome lesson with her. Onl...