This week was pretty normal but still super awesome. We
worked a ton and got a lot done, and it was awesome. My comp is the best, and
we got a lot closer this week.
Ok, so martes/Tuesday we had a sweet district class about how
we can become better disciples of Jesus Christ. In the afternoon we made it
back to Betanzos around 2:30p and then got to work at like 3:30p after lunch.
We looked for several citas/appointments we had, but they each fell through. We
ended going to an investigator that we have (Claudia at the pharmacy), and
her sister and husband were there so we contacted them and had a pretty good
talk with them.
Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had a day full of citas, and it was
awesome. We went back to the pharmacy and only the sister (Marisol) was there.
She is kind of fun and cool, and we had a sweet lesson. The day before when we
had gone to the pharmacy, she was in the back and then out of nowhere she just
yelled `Hey why can’t Mormons drink coffee?` So we were like ´hey come out here
and we will tell you about it.` Well she kind of didn’t really want to talk
with us but eventually did. Mièrcoles she was asking us a ton of super good
questions, and we answered the ones we could and told her we would come back
and answer the rest later. We taught her all about the restoration of the
gospel, and it’s super cool to see how she was understanding and super
interested. We also left her to read Alma 5 and ... just think about it. It was
also super interesting to see how ideas of other churches had confused her and
put so many other ideas in her head, but she said when we taught, she could
understand well. I was thinking how really that was the Holy Ghost. I know when
we teach with the Holy Ghost, really He is doing the teaching and helping the
people to understand. Later we visited with Max (the kid who got baptized the
last week). We taught him about the priesthood and a little about temples and
his family. We have contacted his family, and they came to his baptism but we
still haven’t gotten a good lesson with them yet, so that’s our goal now.
Max got interviewed Sunday by the bishop and will get the priesthood this
coming Sunday. Later we visited with Virgilio and Remedios. Well actually more
with their dad. He is a member and super good, just a few things have happened
and now he doesn’t come anymore. He is pretty funny, and we usually just joke
around but this time I don’t know why but I felt I should be direct, so I asked
why he doesn’t go to church and why he isn’t setting a good example for his
kids. I think it got to him because after that we had a super, super good talk,
and it was super spiritual and he really opened up and said he wants to change
and be better. It was super cool and we helped him make goals to get better and
start to change. We left that house super happy and full of the spirit. It was
Jueves/Thursday we planned our week, and it was super cool
because we talked well as comps and made some really good goals and talked
about how we can get better as missionaries. That afternoon we went to visit
Silvia (who `hasn’t had time` for the past few weeks). We taught her about the
gospel and the steps to salvation, and she understood super well and had great
questions. She is also super confused from ideas of different churches, and it’s
super crazy to see how Satan blinds people from the truth. It was still a super
sweet lesson, and we felt the Spirit super strong. Later we started to go out
to Tecoya. We didn’t have any citas/appointments but we had a bunch of people
to look for. Well, when we were almost getting there, my comp’s bike broke. We
walked to the member’s house who helped us last time. We had everything we
needed except one part (that broke). So we got a ride back to Betanzos to buy
the part. But literally like every bike store was closed. We finally knocked
one door long enough until the lady came out. She brought us the part, and we
thought it was too small and asked for a bigger one. She said there’s only one
size. So we bought it and got a ride bike to the member’s house in Tecoya. Well
of course, it was too small and the wrong size. And also... us not thinking...
we used all the money we had with us to get to Betanzos, buy the part, and then
get back to our bikes. So we had no money and no bikes. Hahaha, dang. We just
laughed. We walked to the Familia Estrada (the family we are preparing to go to
the temple and be sealed in May). Well, only the younger kids were there, so we
played with them a little bit and then started walking home. We made it home in
about an hour, and it was fun because we talked the whole way home, and it was
super fun and passed really fast. So in our weekly planning, my comp suggested
that I should study the scriptures more. I usually have been reading my Book of
Mormon each morning for like a little bit and then study more from my Quechua
book. He suggested maybe I should study better my scriptures, and I thought he
has reason.
So Viernes/Friday I studied my scriptures really well, and I
remembered how much I love studying the scriptures and how awesome they really
are. It was also sweet because we had a super-duper awesome day, and I think it’s
maybe because I studied better in the morning. In the afternoon we visited tons
of people and had super good lessons with literally each person. First, we
visited with Marisol (in the pharmacy) and she actually read Alma 5 and
understood it pretty well. She said, ´I think I should change.´ Hahaha. So
we talked about what she read, and then we taught the Plan of Salvation and
explained the purpose of life. It was a sweet lesson, and she says she wants to
change so that’s pretty awesome. Later we visited with a girl named Mabel (E.
Salinas and I taught her a while ago and just recently she returned from vacation).
She brought her sister, and we had a super awesome lesson about the Plan of
Salvation. They are pretty smart and know a lot about church and the Bible, so
it was sweet to help them understand better. Later we visited with the Familia
Perez (the super cool family that is less active). We also talked direct with
them about going to church and why they aren’t going. Later we went to Virgilio
and his family and watched the video about a stone cutter of the Salt Lake
Temple who later lost his leg but kept working on the temple. At the very
beginning of the video it says, “There are two types of people in this world,
those who act, and those who wait to be acted upon.” I really like that quote,
and it’s super true.
Sabado/Saturday we were going to do service almost all day,
but they cancelled on us so we had nothing planned. We still left though and
looked for a few past investigators. Later we played basketball with a few
investigadores and members. It was pretty fun, and I actually got lucky and
made a few baskets, hahaha. Later we went to Flia Perez and read Alma 5 with
them, and it was super cool. I really like verse 57, that’s talking to those who
want to do right. I like how it says separate yourself, stay apart from the
bad. It got me thinking even with bad going on around me, I should still do the
right and what I know is right.
Domingo/Sunday was a super awesome day. Testimony meeting
went super awesome. I’m understanding a lot better Quechua, so it’s super cool
to listen to. Also the entire Familia Perez came and also all the people we´ve
helped baptize so that was super-duper cool. I shared my testimony in Quechua
(which is pretty fun, hahaha) Hopefully the people could understand well. The
testimonies were super good, and it was a super spiritual meeting. After lunch
we visited a few members and investigadores but nobody really ´had time´ for a
Today all the elders from Potosi came to Betanzos. (Normally
my comp and I go to Potosi). We played soccer in a super nice field that’s way
bigger and way cheaper than the ones in Potosi. Then we went and ate at the
Familia Perez and played with water balloons. Hahaha. Almost everyone left
soaking wet it was fun. In Potosi and Betanzos, Carinvales are starting. It
seems pretty fun, like parades and people are always dancing. Also everyone has
this foam spray stuff and everyone is spraying everyone. It’s pretty funny. I
really love the culture and the people here. (Maybe wouldn’t mind being
Boliviano. Hahaha.) I love learning and talking in Quechua with the people. It’s
pretty cool and different, but something I’ve noticed is that the gospel of
Jesus Christ is for every single person. It doesn’t matter your past
experiences or your language or anything. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is
infinite, and His teachings apply to each person. This week was super awesome
:) Love you all!!
Les amo
Elder Sorensen