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Showing posts from January, 2019

2019-01-21: Flying By

Hiking - Jan 14, 2019 pday activity Well, another awesome week flew by. It always seems like yesterday was just pday. Hahaha. Well martes, we did an intercambio/exchange (since my comp is district leader). So I was with Elder Nieto (from Ecuador) en Betanzos. We had lots of fun. We didn’t have any citas/appointments, but we had a ton of people to look for so that’s what we did, and it went pretty well. We ended up getting to teach a less-active member that we have been trying to meet with for a long time. It was interesting to see how things that happened sooo long ago still have effects and how this person is still holding on to those feelings. It made me think how I never want to be like that and how it will always be better to forgive and move on with life instead of holding feelings of anger. It was also cool because we shared Mosiah 2:41 , and it reminded me that the real true happiness we can feel will be when we are keeping the commandments from God and working to be...

2019-01-14: An Awesome Week!

This week was super duper awesome! We had an awesome baptism and worked really hard but also had tons of fun. I love being a missionary and helping other people find true happiness. Me and David. He is one month younger than me. Well ok, martes/Tuesday our district meeting was super good. (I love 1 Nephi 19:9 , it makes me think if Jesus did all that for me because He loves me and wants me to be happy, I should love Him too and try harder to do the things He asks of me. I also learned I should develop this love for other people and put their happiness and needs above my own.) Anyways, we got back to Potosi and then after lunch, went to work. We had several people with goals to be baptized the coming Saturday, so we really needed to meet with them. Well, we only found one of them (Remberto), and we had a super good lesson with him, but he is a little hesitant to be baptized because he wants a firm solid testimony before he makes that choice. We explained how that was good but ...

2018-01-07: Week 1 of New Cambio/Transfer

Elder Sorensen y burro This week was a little crazy but super busy and tons of fun. So Elder Bird, Elder Tellez (de Colombia) and I spent New Years at the family of their pensionista. We were allowed to be out until like 2a (permission from mission president, kind of relaxed, I know). Anyways, we ate dinner and played games and such, and then at 12a we lit off a ton of little fireworks and such and like literally the whole city Potosi was going, so it was pretty cool. Later we went back to the Zone Leaders house and slept for a little bit and then at 3a we had to go pick up some elders (who were traveling from Tupiza for their cambios). And then at 6:30a to take them and others to get taxis to Sucre. So we didn’t sleep much. After the others left, it was just me and Elder Tellez. We went to do a few more things for cambios, and then his companion arrived. Later after lunch, my comp (Elder Vergara) arrived and we made it out to Betanzos around 6:30ish. So miércoles/Wedne...

2018-12-31: Last Week of Cambio/Transfers

This week was awesome!! Christmas Eve was fun. We celebrated how Latinos do.. a big dinner the night of the 24th. It was fun, but I was pretty tired. Haha. It’s been a long time since I’ve stayed up super late. My comp made pollo de horno de naranjas (orange chicken). It was really good. Me and E. Salinas in our Christmas ties. Navidad was awesome. We got up and opened the presents I got in my package from home. We were going to do some service for a lady in our ward, but she wouldn’t respond to our phone calls so... hahaha. Then we went to Potosi to video call our families. That was super awesome. I miss them lots, and it was really fun talking with them. Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had our district meeting in Potosi and then went back to Betanzos. We looked for a lot of past investigadores and several less active members and only found an investigator named Renaldo. He is super cool and seems pretty interested. He is also a shoe maker and makes really good abarcas/s...