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Showing posts from November, 2018

2018-11-26: Week 1 in Betanzos

WOOOO!! Hahaha! I am soooo happy! Betanzos is super duper awesome and my comp, Elder Salinas from Ecuador, is AWESOME! Well I feel like a missionary soo much, like all my expectations about being a missionary have happened this past week: not understanding or being able to talk well, teaching lots of people, working til we are absolutely exhausted and helping other people increase their faith. I love it soooo much. Ok so last Monday we passed P-day as normal. Martes/Tuesday morning Elder Salinas and I went to Betanzos. We arrived a little before lunch. After lunch, we had several really good citas/appointments. I love how E' Salinas teaches, and we get along super, super great. MiƩrcoles/Wednesday was awesome. We actually plan our days and use our time really, really well and get a ton done each day. Normally, we get up early to study Quechua, and then we plan our day and then get ready. Then we have personal study and companionship study, and then we leave the house arou...

2018-11-19: Conferencias y Cambios

Me playing chess with a kid of a lady we visit. These are all pictures from E. Cabrera. This week went pretty fast and was pretty fun. We didn’t do a ton of work which bugged me, but it was still a good week. After hiking up some mountains to some lakes last P-day, I realized I’m pretty out of shape and determined to workout better in the morning, hahaha. So martes/Tuesday morning, I had a pretty good workout and then I don’t know why but whenever I workout, I feel better, so I had a pretty awesome morning and got a lot done. Before we went to lunch, we went up and printed some pictures, which was pretty cool. After lunch we spent most the afternoon with Raul and his family. Ya, it was lots of fun and all, but really I didn’t feel like a good missionary. I felt like we were wasting way too much time and could've visited lots more people. There were a ton of little kids, so when we finally started the lesson, it was a lot of fun teaching the little kids. We taught the Pl...

2018-11-12: Traveling Everywhere

Me and Hermana Sorensen. She is from Cedar City, Utah, and I don't think we are related but still pretty cool. This week was super awesome and went by super duper fast, mostly because we were only in our area for like 3 days. But still we did a lot, and it was great. Pasado lunes/Last Monday in the night, I went to Sucre and then to Cochabamba martes/Tuesday in the morning. I spent the day in Cochabamba sitting in offices and signing papers for tramites (like my country legal card stuff). I got home martes/Tues in the night and I was pretty tired. MiƩrcoles/Wednesday, the morning was a little slow, but in the afternoon we went out and visited the family that came to church last Sunday (Raul y Nora y their kids). We had an awesome lesson with them. Later we visited more contacts and investigadores we had out there. That night we took a bus to Betanzos. Jueves/Thursday we spent all day in Betanzos. In the morning, I worked with Elder Salinas. Both of us are learning...

2018-11-05: Another awesome week!

Editor's Note: Only got pictures of DOGS this week! No idea why. Maybe it's the dog that tried to bite him last week. Well this week had its ups and downs, but I always like to see the positive and I think the ups were more and better than the downs. Ok here we go, so last Pday we had a Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening) with a familia and the elderes de Betanzos (Elders from Betanzos) went with us. Of course, we made cookies. Haha! Elder Baros and I made them, and they were super good--almost perfect. I love cookies. Hahaha. Actually, really I just love cookie dough. Martes/Tuesday, we had our district meeting in the morning, and it was pretty good. That afternoon we had citas/appointments with some old investigadores but they both cancelled, and we had to go to the dentista for my comp. It was a little bit annoying because it was closed and we waited forever and finally got ahold of the dentista and he said, “Oh ya, your stuff isn’t ready yet. Come back to...