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2018-09-17: Week 3 en el campo (in the mission field)

Pictures from p-day in Uyuni / Salt Flats.
Well this week was super awesome!! Lots of fun and cool stuff and a few sad stuff too but all and all it was a great week.
So last week we went to Uyuni for Pday (preparation day), and it was super duper fun. We went with all the missionaries from Sucre, Potosí, and Tupiza. We had 38 of us. We left Potosí at like 12a Monday morning. For the tour, we went to a cemetery of trains which was kind of cool. Then we went to this lil pueblo where they were selling handmade stuff. It was really cool and pretty cheap. I got a pretty cool jacket for less than 10 American dollars. Then we went out to the salt flats. It was really weird but cool looking, like snow but a lake of it; it just went on forever. We first went to a place where water comes up from the ground. It was freezing cold water and super salty, duh, hahaha. It was cool though. Then we went to where they do Dakar racing, and there was a big statue made out of salt. There were also flags from lots of countries by it. Then we went to an old volcano, and there was water so that was pretty. Then to an isla that looked a lot like AZ, so that reminded me lots of home. We got back to our apt at like 12a Tuesday morning, so we were pretty tired but it was lots of fun.

 The next night I didn’t sleep much because I was puking and dumping like basically straight water. Hahaha. I don’t know what I ate, but it wasn’t very fun. I felt better in the morning, and we continued on with a normal day. I think that day I read Doctrine & Covenants 121 and 122. (Grandpa Sorensen suggested to read those.) Those sections are super duper good, and there’s sooo much to get out of them. I also studied a lil from the Liahona about President Dallin H. Oaks. The big thing I got out of my study that day was the ending of Doctrine & Covenants 122:9, which says fear not what man can do for I the Lord am with you. President Dallin H Oaks said when he got his calling to be an apostle, he thought will I fulfill my calling the way the world wants or will I determine to follow the ways of Christ? I really liked that and decided I’m going to be a missionary the way the Lord wants me to be even if others aren’t. (Thanks Grandpa Sorensen for the suggestion!!)

Another day we went to visit this family. Actually it was just 3 sisters that live together. Two had daughters, and one has the same birthday as Shay, Grandpa Sorensen, and me!!! What??!! Hahaha that was crazy. I sent pictures of the 2 lil girls. She is the one in white. The 2 lil girls reminded me sooo much of Shay and Taylee, and I played with them for a while. We played house, hahaha. I was the guy Barbie, of course, hahaha. Then they were getting a lil rowdy, and so I did tick-tock with them (grab them by the feet and swing the back and forth like a grandfather clock). They LOVED it and were laughing sooo hard. The moms were all laughing and videoing me, hahaha. It was soo fun and reminded me soo much of home and my sisters. Aaahhh fun times. I miss my sisters :)

Also at that house I shared the spiritual thought (usually Elder Cabrera does) so that was super cool. I shared Mosiah 24 and how the Lord strengthens us and doesn’t always just take away our trials because we need to learn something. The next day we had intercambios (exchanges with other missionaries) and I was with Elder Nelson. But instead of going to his area we stayed in mine. Sooo I was a lil nervous because I was basically in charge a lil more because I knew the people we met with and knew the area (kind of). It was actually a super duper good day and we had a super duper cool experience. We had a cita (lesson) with one of our investigadores (investigators), and she works in this lil store. When we got there she invited one of her friends that was walking by. We shared and taught about the Book of Mormon. Her friend was asking tons of questions and really trying to learn soo it was super awesome. We read the whole introduction to the Book of Mormon and answered questions and shared our testimonies. At one point I had the thought, man this is so crazy and surreal. I’m in a different country, speaking a different language that I don’t fully understand. I’m in a tiny lil store with some guy I just barely met a few days ago teaching two people about the book that has all the answers and is central to my testimony. We both felt the spirit sooo strong, and it was amazing. I then thought, this is exactly what I’ve dreamed of doing forever. All the rough times of the past few weeks is totally ok if I can feel like this and be able to help one person feel this spirit too. It was an awesome experience and really has been the best experience this far. We set up another cita (lesson) with them, and I’m super excited. I really enjoy intercambios (exchanges).

Elders Rivera, Grotepas, Baros, and me in Betanzos.
The rest of the days were good. We got a few new families to teach. We set another cita (lesson) for Tuesday.

Today for pday we are in a lil tiny town called Betanzos. We came here Sunday night (it was like an hour bus ride) and stayed the night in the elders house here.  Today we took a taxi and then hiked up to this lake that is in the middle of the mountains. We “fished” like all day, and it was pretty fun but we couldn’t cast very well (using a water bottle and rocks). We didn’t catch anything, but it was still fun. It was me and Elders Rivera and Grotepas (serving in Cerro Rico Ward in Potosi) and then Elder Baros (serving here in Betanzos). Elder Cabrera and Baros’ companions weren’t too interested in fishing. Then today and tomorrow I’m staying here in Betanzos with Elder Baros for intercambios (exchanges). It’s a tiny little farming town and more people speak Quechua than Spanish. Baros has been here for like 7 months and know Quechua really good. He is teaching me which is super cool. I’m pretty excited for tomorrow! Hahaha.

It’s been a fun week, and I love being a missionary! Love you guys and thanks for all the emails!!

Con Amor!
Elder Sorensen
The Sign Says: "We only have one world.
Take Care of it. Don't throw trash!" Haha!

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