This week was pretty awesome! Life is still pretty normal here. We are working
really well. This week we had several really awesome Family Home Evenings with
the members here. They are awesome and in each lesson, a new friend or family
member was there. Through that, we were blessed to find several awesome new investigators.
No church is always pretty tough in the mission because it’s the easiest way to
measure an investigators desire and commitment. And it’s a big step
towards baptism. We still have several awesome investigators close to baptism,
and we are praying that no church won’t affect them.
We found a pretty cool
family this week. The dad is very interested and asks lots of questions. The
mom is interested but has a very different way of thinking about things. I
learned two lessons from them. Number 1: the dad said he has always wanted to
talk with the Mormons and that he has worked with Mormons, but nobody ever
approached him. For me as a missionary, this reminded me of the importance of
talking with EVERYONE. To all, your example and actions say a lot, but talking
says a lot too. Ha-ha. Lesson number 2: It’s sooo important to teach people,
not lessons. The mom has a different way of thinking, and we had to teach in a
very different way. It reminded me how personal the gospel is. God continues to
teach me day by day. He will do the same to all if we listen and look for Him
more every day.
God is good. Life is
good. Colombia’s awesome. My comps are learning lots, they are awesome. Gracias
a Dios por todo (Thanks to God for everything.)
Les amo!!
Elder Sorensen