This week was kind of goofy but pretty good (as always).
With us staying this cambio/transfer, we were able to get
right to work (and not wait for a new comp and such). So martes/Tuesday we went
out to Lagunillas and visited with Flia Huallpa (Huallpa family), and we read
about Daniel in the lion’s den and how it applies to us today. We then talked a
bit and laughed and had a fun time. They are a super awesome family. Some are
super active and others I have only seen a few times at church. They are fun thoug,h
and we learn a ton of Quechua when we are there.
Mièrcoles we stayed pretty busy. We had the chance to teach
several of our past contacts, and I love when we are able to find them again
and actually teach them and share the Spirit with them. We also taught Jimena
(a young teenager). She is super smart and knows a lot about the Bible and has
a ton of good questions. We taught her about the Restoration and how we have
prophets today, and she had a hard time believing that they really are guided
and talk with Jesus Christ, saying she would have to see it to believe it and
how do we know this stuff is true, like have we seen it happen. It was an
awesome feeling to share my testimony and how I know they are true without
having seen them. We helped her understand faith and it was really cool how she
realized and learned and accepted what we taught her.
Jueves/Thursday we went out to Tecoya and had a pretty good
day. We visited with Eddy (whose family are members, and he wants to get
baptized). We were going to visit with Flia Estrada (the Estrada family), but
they weren’t home. We did visit with the Flia Laime Quecaño and had a really
good talk with the Hermana, and then we read 3 Nephi 13 with the family. They
are a cool family with two teenage boys that are pretty cool (Jose Luis and Jonathan).
Viernes/Friday, we went to Potosi for our district meetings.
It was cool to meet all the new guys that are in the zone here. All of them are
still pretty new in the mission, and it was kind of funny to think that I’ve
spent my whole mission in the same zone. I love it out here though. Afterwards,
our district leader and his comp came out to Betanzos with us to interview Eddy
(since his dad told us he is 9 years old). I went with Elder Roncal (from
Peru), while my comp went to do the interview with Elder Keate (from Colorado).
Well, we had a day full of really good citas/appointments, but unfortunately we
didn’t find anybody. Either they weren’t home or they were busy. Darn. We did
contact pretty good though. While we were doing that, turns out Eddy is 8 and
the other elders didn’t have to come out for the interview because the Bishop
could do it. Hahaha. Kind of goofy that nobody knows how old they are or not
even when their birthday is until they pull out their papers. Hahaha. After the
other elders left, we visited with Julia and helped her cook for the next day
(she sells meals). Then we visited with Hermana Daria. She is the best :) She
worries a lot about her children (who are all grown and out of the house), and
so we enjoy helping her unstress and laugh. She also sells meals but has a hard
time walking so we help her clean everything up.
Sabado/Saturday we cleaned the baptismal font and then
played futsal and basketball with a few members and like 6 or so jovenes/youth
that we contacted actually came. It was sweet to get to know them and have fun.
Later that night Eddy´s dad called us and said his wife wouldn’t make it home
until Monday, so we had to cancel the baptism, which was a bummer.
Domingo/Sunday was sweet. Hermana Daria came to church
(which is awesome and always makes us super happy). We also practiced (the
whole ward) singing two songs in Quechua for the stake conference this coming
weekend. That was pretty fun :) Later we taught the Institute Class and then
came to Potosi.
This week was sweet. BIG NEWS... I actually worked out every
day the past week... mostly because I could (and did) shower every day. Haha.
The first week I’ve showered every day since I got here to Betanzos, hahaha. We
got a big water tank and a pump, so now we always have water. Also this week I
got a package from home and the relief society with a ton of sweet ties :) So
with showering and new ties, I’m like a new man. Hahaha. That’s about all for
this week. Happy Mother’s Day to all moms (and the dads who played moms). LOVE
Les amo
Elder Sorensen