E. Puma (from Peru) and E. Sorensen 2019-04-29: Teaching God’s Word Hello!! This week was pretty good and passed super-duper fast. It always seems like just yesterday was pday. Hahaha. The weeks pass quickly. Well, ok so lunes/Monday night we got back to Betanzos from Potosi, and my comp wasn’t feeling too good. He was sick all day martes/Tuesday, so we didn’t do much that day--just lots of studying :) I really liked 2 Nephi 10:24 how it says we need to align ourselves with God instead of with other people, and then after we make that decision and take that action, then God will help us in the rest of our troubles and problems. I also love 2 Nephi 11:6. I am coming to recognize how much I love teaching people about the importance of Jesus Christ and His Atonement for us. I really feel the Spirit the strongest whenever I’m testifying or teaching about our Savior. Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had a super awesome day. We decided to contact (basically looking for new people to ...