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Showing posts from September, 2018

2018-09-24: Semana (Week) 4!

Making cookies with my pensionista and her sister. I LOVE COOKIE DOUGH. Hola! This week has been super duper awesome! Hahaha. So my companion is district leader so he is supposed to go on splits with each of the 6 other elders in our district, and we usually only go on splits once a week. But this coming week we are having conference with the mission president, so this past week we had two intercambios (exchanges)! Last Pday we were in Betanzos. I stayed with Elder Baros until Wednesday morning. Monday after writing, we went looking for some past contacts and investigadores (investigators). Then we bought stuff to make chocolate chip cookies. Hahaha. I LOVE COOKIE DOUGH. Haha. We made them and it’s kind of tricky because certain ingredients don't exist here, and plus, we are super high up in altitude (which I never knew affected cooking). But we did the best we could and the cookie dough was pretty darn good. The cooking was a different thing. They still tasted amazing...

2018-09-17: Week 3 en el campo (in the mission field)

Pictures from p-day in Uyuni / Salt Flats. Well this week was super awesome!! Lots of fun and cool stuff and a few sad stuff too but all and all it was a great week. So last week we went to Uyuni for Pday (preparation day), and it was super duper fun. We went with all the missionaries from Sucre, Potosí, and Tupiza. We had 38 of us. We left Potosí at like 12a Monday morning. For the tour, we went to a cemetery of trains which was kind of cool. Then we went to this lil pueblo where they were selling handmade stuff. It was really cool and pretty cheap. I got a pretty cool jacket for less than 10 American dollars. Then we went out to the salt flats. It was really weird but cool looking, like snow but a lake of it; it just went on forever. We first went to a place where water comes up from the ground. It was freezing cold water and super salty, duh, hahaha. It was cool though. Then we went to where they do Dakar racing, and there was a big statue made out of salt. There we...

2018-09-11: Week 2 en el campo (in the field)

Pictures from p-day in Uyuni / Salt Flats. (Updated with pictures.) Well this week was pretty fun! Last miercoles (Wednesday) we did our first intercambios (exchanges with other missionaries). I went to Cerra Rico with Elder Lehman, and his companion Elder Nelson went to San Clemente with Elder Cabrera. It was a really awesome day! It started with a bucket shower because they didn’t have a working lil heater thing. So I went to the roof and got some hot water because for some reason there is a big water heater up there and then took it back down and showered. Hahaha. It was burning hot for a second and then freezing cold. Haha. Oh well. The day was awesome. He had literally every hour planned out and back up contacts to meet if appointments fell through. I loved it. We worked super hard and got lots done. He told me lots about the mission and answered a lot of my questions. Spanish is coming along good and it helps a lot to have a Latino with me. Also I’m learning a lil ...

2018-09-03: Week 1 in the Mission Field (in Potosi)

Well this is like a dream come true!! It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to write soooo here we go. The last Friday at the ccm Elder Bednar came and spoke to us. Actually we basically had a really big conversation. He taught us how to really learn for ourselves through the spirit without barely even talking. He had us read talks before he came and then in the devotional he had us read a scripture and then ask what are you learning from the spirit this time reading this scripture? Then he would call on somebody and have a lil’ discussion and we would all get lots out of it. He also taught us to only take notes on the spirit, never take notes on the speaker or teacher, they are the conductors of the real teacher the spirit. That was cool because most of my notes were about stuff that nobody even talked about it was a really cool experience and I know he is called of God. Me and my first companion, Elder Cabrera (from Paraguay). Our last day in the ccm we got kicked out ...