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Showing posts from September, 2019

2019-09-23: Little Miracles

Hola hola!! This week was pretty awesome and full of little miracles. God is good, all the time. At Incachaca Ok so, martes/Tuesday we had a pretty interesting day. We had meetings in the morning, which went pretty good. After meetings we had lunch, and then we went to work. We had a pretty good visit with this lady named Doña Filomena; she is a super humble lady who works as a maid, housekeeper lady for some pretty rich people. She is awesome though and really wants to learn more about God. Later we went and looked for a few people, and we talked with Nelson, the husband of Salomé. Salomé is a super awesome investigator who really wants to get baptized. However, Nelson had heard some silly things that like “Mormon” means “door to hell” and told us that we are worshipping the devil. We tried to help him see the silliness in what he was saying, but he told us we need to study more because we have no idea what we are doing. So that was pretty disappointing. We tried visiting a ...

2019-09-16: WORK in Cochabamba

Elder Caceres & Elder Sorensen (Elder Caceres is serving in Potosi. He came to Cochabamba for training.) This week has been awesome. Martes/Tuesday I took a 3 hour taxi ride from Potosi to Sucre and then a 30 minute flight from Sucre to Cochabamba. It was pretty crazy to think that after more than a year in Potosi, I was leaving. I got to Cochabamba around 11:30ish, and then it took almost an hour to get to my new area and house. I’m in the Rosedal Ward in the Sarco Stake. We dropped of my stuff real quick at the house, and then we went to lunch and then we went to work. There weren’t many citas/appointments planned for the day, but we went to work and started contacting and looking for lots of investigators and people to visit. We worked really hard and had a super good visit with this lady named Salomé. She is super cool and really wants to get baptized and come to church, but she wants to do all this with her husband and he is kind of lazy (she says). Hahaha. She is aw...

2019-09-09: Going to Cocha!!

Elder Sorensen & Elder Vernon overlooking Potosi. Well... it’s been super-duper cold here this whole week. It’s been raining and snowing off and on, but we still worked hard and had lots of fun. So, martes/Tuesday we had meetings in the morning. After lunch we had a ton of super good citas/appointments planned, but literally almost every single one canceled. I think it’s amazing to see how God closes some doors but always opens others. We had a good amount of time to contact, and it actually went pretty well. God is good. Miércoles/Wednesday was pretty sweet. We had a few awesome citas in the morning with an investigator and later with a recent convert, who is super awesome. We tried following up on a few past contacts but most fell through. After lunch we had a great visit with Celia. She has been an investigator for quite some time and keeps pushing her baptism to later. But miércoles she told us she really wants to be baptized and doesn’t want to wait and that she ...

2019-09-02: Ch´utillos

Ch'utillos traditional outfits & parades HOLA!! This week was awesome and crazy and crazy awesome. Hahaha. Martes/Tuesday we had interviews with President. My interview went pretty good, and we spent a while talking about the work and other missionaries and such (normally my interviews are like 30 seconds, ha-ha). After those interviews, we studied and then went to work. We had a super awesome afternoon. We had a cool visit with a lady who is a member but pretty inactive. We helped her realize how important temples are and how they can really help us a ton (visiting and entering the temple). It was super cool to help somebody else in the covenant path. Normally we just help people get baptized, but this time we were able to help somebody keep progressing and getting closer to Dios/God. Later we went and followed up with a few contacts from last week, and we actually had a few really good citas/appointments. That was super awesome because normally contacting is good, b...