Hola hola!! This week was pretty awesome and full of little miracles. God is good, all the time. At Incachaca Ok so, martes/Tuesday we had a pretty interesting day. We had meetings in the morning, which went pretty good. After meetings we had lunch, and then we went to work. We had a pretty good visit with this lady named Doña Filomena; she is a super humble lady who works as a maid, housekeeper lady for some pretty rich people. She is awesome though and really wants to learn more about God. Later we went and looked for a few people, and we talked with Nelson, the husband of Salomé. Salomé is a super awesome investigator who really wants to get baptized. However, Nelson had heard some silly things that like “Mormon” means “door to hell” and told us that we are worshipping the devil. We tried to help him see the silliness in what he was saying, but he told us we need to study more because we have no idea what we are doing. So that was pretty disappointing. We tried visiting a ...