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Showing posts from August, 2019

2019-08-26: GOD IS GOOD

E. Sorensen & E. Bird This week was AMAZING. Martes/Tuesday we had consejo de lideres (Leadership Council) and President gave a super good class on a talk by Elder Uchtdorf (who is cargo of the mission work for the church). The talk was called ´´Por tanto, id´´ and it was given specifically for missionaries and presidents. It explained a lot about the importance of baptism and a missionary´s role in helping investigators get baptized. It helped me see that I can work a lot better and harder to help people get baptized. A few super awesome quotes... ´´A day without an effort to look for new people to teach is a day that you didn’t complete your purpose as a missionary´´  or ´´be a fisher of men´´... ´´do you really think Christ would send you to a place where there are no ´fish´ or people to teach? ´´ Dang. Awesome class. Later in the week, I found a talk in our house called the Donaldson Papers. WOW!!! I think every missionary needs to read that talk. It seriously changed...

2019-08-12: Another awesome week

E. Sorensen & E Vernon atop Cerro Rico Hola hola!!! This week was super awesome. We worked super hard and found lots of new people to teach. Ok so, martes/Tuesday we had meetings in the morning. In the afternoon we went to work and had a super awesome day. We visited with Celia, and she wants to get baptized and is so ready. But she doesn’t want to get baptized in August because she says it’s the devil´s month, and nobody should do anything special in Agosto ... dang. We are still working with her though. We also visited with Juanita and were trying to talk with her niece, who is super awesome and was asking us tons of questions the last visit. Well this time we were answering her questions, and it was going really good and then her mom (who isn’t a member) came out of the house and wasn’t really happy with us and did want her daughter talking with us. Dang that wasn’t very fun. Later we were doing a few zone things and somebody called me, but I didn’t recognize the n...

2019-08-05: Busy Week

HOLA HOLA!! This week was pretty awesome. We got all the cambios/transfers done and worked pretty hard and nearly froze to death, but it was a great week. :) So last lunes/Monday we had to send off all the elders from outside cities into Cochabamba. It kept us busy and took up most of Pday. After all that my new comp (Elder Vernon) got all his stuff unpacked in our house. Martes/Tuesday we got up and studied pretty well. In the afternoon, we didn’t have a single cita/appointment scheduled because we were planning to do the cambios (because that’s when we normally do them, Tuesdays in the afternoon). Well, we still left and looked for people to visit and actually had several really good visits. Ahh ya, also that morning I was able to study a bit in Alma 42 and learned a lot about how God is perfect and just but at the same time He can be merciful with us, and it’s only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I love how clearly and perfectly the Book of Mormon teaches us and sho...

2019-07-29: SNOW!! in July?

Well this week was pretty crazy but super awesome. Monday we visited a few families in the night, and the visits went pretty good. It was super-duper cold though, but we were happy because we were carrying mate. Martes/Tuesday we woke up, and it was snowing. Goll dang. Not what you’d expect in July. My companion put on Christmas music, and it was pretty funny. We had district meetings that morning and almost all of us brought mate. Hahaha. Also it is so dang cold that we could see our breath in the church, during our meetings. That’s cold. In the afternoon it kept raining and snowing. We went around in our ponchos and traditional hats and carrying mate in our portamates. We basically visited all the member families for Waldvogel to say goodbye. It was pretty fun because lots of families wanted to give him a souvenir to take home and/or a good meal, and I was just along for the ride so I got lots of good meals and a few cool souvenirs. It was pretty fun :) It snowed/ rained the who...