HOLA HOLA!! Weelllll, this week has been pretty crazy and passed super fast. So last Monday we were still in Cochabamba, and it was super fun. A picture sent from a gal in Potosi Martes/Tuesday in the morning we had Consejo de LĂderes (Leadership Council Meeting), and it was super-duper awesome. It was basically the exact same as zone conference just a little different with only zone leaders. It was awesome and super spiritual. President gave an awesome class about the importance of studying the scriptures and why they are so important. I really liked how in Alma 31:5 it says that the scriptures have more force and power and influence than the sword. President also said that if we want to improve as persons and be better, we just need to improve our study of the scriptures. I love the Book of Mormon and Bible like crazy and love the opportunity to study them every day. The Assistants gave a good class about teaching with the Spirit and leaving commitments gui...