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Showing posts from May, 2019

2019-05-27: Still Working

Eddy's Baptism: Elder Puma & I with Eddy, his mom, and brother.  HOLA, HOLA!! This week went by pretty fast. It’s getting really cold, we woke up one morning to find the pipes frozen which was a first for me. Hahaha. Ok so, martes/Tuesday was a pretty good day. We had our district meetings in the morning, which are always awesome. Somebody made the comment that if we really love God and want to serve Him diligently we have to keep our minds in the work. So that’s something I´ve tried to do this week, keep my mind focused on the work we are doing. In the afternoon, we went out to Lagunillas and had a Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening). We read Matthew 13 about the parable of the farmer (not sure the words in ingles, hahaha). I love reading and discussing the parables that Christ taught because I always learn something new. With the Flia Huallpa (Huallpa family) in Lagunillas somehow we got to talking about how we need to have a solid foundation. We discussed how to...

2019-05-20: Keeping Busy

President Montoya with missionaries in Potosi after Stake Conference. Well this week was pretty awesome. We stayed busy, which always makes me happy. Sooo, martes/Tuesday we were going to go out to Lagunillas, but the family called us and said most of them weren´t home so we didn´t go. We did go visit with Max and Remedios and Virigilio. They still struggle to come to church Sundays. I was reading in Preach My Gospel and there was a part that said the Book of Mormon with the Holy Ghost are the most powerful and effective tools we have as missionaries. So we had the idea to help all the people we visit to gain their own testimony or at least feel the Spirit stronger through their reading of the Book of Mormon. A lot of our investigators right now don’t have enough faith or desires to leave selling on Sundays and to come to church. So hopefully the power of the Book of Mormon will help them. So with Virgilio and Remedios and Max we gave them a little paper to track their readin...

2019-05-13: Happy Mother's Day!

This week was kind of goofy but pretty good (as always). With us staying this cambio/transfer, we were able to get right to work (and not wait for a new comp and such). So martes/Tuesday we went out to Lagunillas and visited with Flia Huallpa (Huallpa family), and we read about Daniel in the lion’s den and how it applies to us today. We then talked a bit and laughed and had a fun time. They are a super awesome family. Some are super active and others I have only seen a few times at church. They are fun thoug,h and we learn a ton of Quechua when we are there. Mièrcoles we stayed pretty busy. We had the chance to teach several of our past contacts, and I love when we are able to find them again and actually teach them and share the Spirit with them. We also taught Jimena (a young teenager). She is super smart and knows a lot about the Bible and has a ton of good questions. We taught her about the Restoration and how we have prophets today, and she had a hard time believing th...

2019-05-06: Transfers Week

This week was pretty awesome!! Haha. Well every week is awesome, but this week was more awesome. Ok so, martes/Tuesday after our reunions/meetings we came back to Betanzos and after lunch, we went to work. We first went to visit a contact that we have talked with several times but hadn’t taught a good lesson yet. Well, this time she was there with two of her friends, and we had a really good lesson with them and answered tons of their questions about the Book of Mormon and such. It was sweet. Later we visited Fernardo (a guy we taught like 2 weeks ago but we haven’t been able to find since). He has lots of different ideas about certain topics that kind of get us off track, but he has lots of faith and really wants to learn more about God. Later we visited Hermana Sofia (a member) and her friend was there, and we read 3 Nephi chapter 14 with them. It was an awesome day, and we found tons of new investigators. Mièrcoles we helped our pensionista and family (who we share the h...