Eddy's Baptism: Elder Puma & I with Eddy, his mom, and brother. HOLA, HOLA!! This week went by pretty fast. It’s getting really cold, we woke up one morning to find the pipes frozen which was a first for me. Hahaha. Ok so, martes/Tuesday was a pretty good day. We had our district meetings in the morning, which are always awesome. Somebody made the comment that if we really love God and want to serve Him diligently we have to keep our minds in the work. So that’s something I´ve tried to do this week, keep my mind focused on the work we are doing. In the afternoon, we went out to Lagunillas and had a Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening). We read Matthew 13 about the parable of the farmer (not sure the words in ingles, hahaha). I love reading and discussing the parables that Christ taught because I always learn something new. With the Flia Huallpa (Huallpa family) in Lagunillas somehow we got to talking about how we need to have a solid foundation. We discussed how to...