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Showing posts from March, 2019

2019-03-25: Staying in Betanzos!

L to R: 1st Counselor in Betanzos bishopric, E. Sorensen, and Bishop. Well... this week was pretty crazy, like really weird. It was the last week of the cambio/(transfer or 6-week assignment), and we weren’t really sure what was going to happen. My comp (Elder Vergara) and I planned to contact a ton more than normal during the week to find a lot more new investigators. Well martes/Tuesday after our district meeting, our zone leaders called us to a different room and told us that President is thinking about closing Betanzos (as in taking out the missionaries so there are no missionaries). So that really killed us. We explained that it shouldn´t be closed and why. They told us they would talk to President and the assistants and let us know what they say. That really killed us. We made it back to Betanzos and had a good day with all our citas/appointments. Wednesday was goofy. We woke up and were talking about what will happen if they do close our area. We both felt it wa...

2019-03-18: Seeing God’s Hand in His Work

Well ... this was a super awesome week. It was a little crazy but amazing to see God´s hand in His work. Ok, so martes/Tuesday was pretty good. We had several good citas/appointments planned with really good investigadores, but they both cancelled. We did contact quite a bit and have tried to find more new people to teach. We found this girl named Eli. She seemed super interested as we explained about the Restoration and asked lots of questions (and knows the Bible pretty well). It was sweet to find and teach her. Later we visited Max (who is like super-duper awesome). We helped him with his Duty to God book for young mens. We also explained he can (and should) share the gospel with his family and invite them to church with him. We also made a cita to have a Noche de Hogar with his whole family. While we were teaching and visiting with him, it started raining pretty hard. Dang. Hahaha. Of course, we just laughed. We had literally nothing (jackets or umbrellas), because there we...

2019-03-11: Carnivales

P-day: E. Nieto, E. Vergara, E. Sorensen & E. Bird Well, this week was pretty crazy and different from any other week. Here in Bolivia this week was Carnivales. It’s kind of different in each city which days they celebrate, but I’m pretty sure it’s only this past week. For us in Betanzos, it was the biggest or craziest on Tuesday and even more Wednesday, but still they kept partying the entire week and then Sunday they all went to a different little pueblo to have like a Carnivales good-bye party. It seems pretty awesome and fun, but for us as missionaries it’s... ehhh... maybe a little annoying.  Well, martes/Tuesday we were in Potosi, and we couldn’t go work so we kind of just stayed in Potosi most of the day, throwing water balloons and such at people. It was super-duper fun, especially because nobody really cared. Only one guy got mad at us (mostly because he was drunk). Later that night we had our interviews with our mission president. He is super awesome, and w...

2019-03-04: "Hey, why can’t Mormons drink coffee?”

This week was pretty normal but still super awesome. We worked a ton and got a lot done, and it was awesome. My comp is the best, and we got a lot closer this week. Ok, so martes/Tuesday we had a sweet district class about how we can become better disciples of Jesus Christ. In the afternoon we made it back to Betanzos around 2:30p and then got to work at like 3:30p after lunch. We looked for several citas/appointments we had, but they each fell through. We ended going to an investigator that we have (Claudia at the pharmacy), and her sister and husband were there so we contacted them and had a pretty good talk with them. Mièrcoles/Wednesday we had a day full of citas, and it was awesome. We went back to the pharmacy and only the sister (Marisol) was there. She is kind of fun and cool, and we had a sweet lesson. The day before when we had gone to the pharmacy, she was in the back and then out of nowhere she just yelled `Hey why can’t Mormons drink coffee?` So we were lik...

2019-02-25: Goofy Week

Max's Baptism: E Vergara, ?, Max, E. Sorensen 2019-02-25: Goofy Week Well this week was.... goofy, hahaha. I loved it, but it was just kind of funny. It made me laugh. Martes/Tuesday Elder Bird and I went to Betanzos for intercambios/exchanges and so he could do an interview for Max, who was getting baptized. It was cloudy all day and pretty cold but only rained a little bit. We looked for a few people and then went to a cita/appointment with a member family (Flia Perez). We watched a little Book of Mormon animation, and it was actually pretty cool and effective. I also felt the Spirit, so I guess it was good. I’d never used a video in a lesson, and I started thinking how back home, like every lesson in church or something had a video. Anyway, as we were leaving, something happened with Elder Bird’s bike, like the gear box was bent and the chain wouldn’t move. That was kind of weird. So we walked the rest of the day. Elder Bird interviewed Max, and it went super good....