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Showing posts from October, 2018

2018-10-29: Weeks Get Better

I have the same birthday as my sister and my grandpa. Happy Birthday! This week was super duper awesome!! Well, martes/Tuesday, we did the usual morning routine, and then we talked a little bit and I said I really want to be doing more. I suggested let’s try to find more people to teach this week, and then we set a goal to find 10 new investigadores!! I was super excited and knew it could be done. Well, we had some good citas/appointments scheduled but they all called and canceled so we decided to go to this area called Cantumarca. We'd never gone out there since it’s pretty far away. I was determined to contact everyone. Eventually, we were both super happy and working together, talking to literally everyone. We contacted soooo many people and gave away folletos/brochures and Libros de Mormón until we had no more. We found 7 new investigadores that day!! So that was super duper awesome!! My comp was pretty surprised, and I was super happy. Miercoles/Wednesday we spent...

2018-10-22: Week ... I've Lost Count. Hahaha!

View of Potosi Well this week had some pretty fun experiences including good and bad food and ending with listening to our prophet, President Russell M Nelson speak to Bolivia... en español. Ok, empecemos (let us begin), martes/Monday was a pretty awesome day. We had a district meeting in the morning that was pretty good. Than we went to the pensionista. We were only there for a little over an hour which was super nice. We only had one cita/appointment that day but I made a list of tons of past contacts and references we had that are pretty good but we've just never returned. At first my comp didn't seem too excited, but after an hour or so we started having lots of fun and joking around. We contacted most of the rest of the day and near the end we climbed a pretty big hill almost to the top and over looked Potosí. It was a pretty cool view. Then we went down and went to the dentist for my comp. After that we got invited to eat with a member for one of the elders birt...

2018-10-15: Semana (Week) 7

This week was definitely a glass half full. Not full because we didn´t really work as much, but pretty good because I got to study a lot. I have made a few goals for this cambio/transfer, including reading the entire Libro de Mormon en espanol, completing half of my Spanish language study book, and helping 2 people get baptized. If the next 5 weeks are like this past week, the first two metas/goals will be super easy, but the last one will be pretty tough. Making pizza! Anyways, so for this week, martes/Tuesday we had some pretty good citas/appointments and stuff to do, and I was pretty excited for the day that morning. But then we went to the ex-terminal (a place where taxis and flotas/fleets leave Potosí for Sucre or other towns) and said goodbye to the elders that were leaving to different areas. Then later in the afternoon, we went back and received the elders who were coming to Potosí from different areas. Then we went to our citas/appointments and the first 2 didn´t hav...

2018-10-08: Cabo de primero cambio!! (First Transfers!!)

Me and Elder Cabrera after walking home in the rain. This week was pretty awesome and finished my first cambio/transfers (every six weeks) in the mission field. It’s kind of crazy because it seems like I literally just got here the other day hahaha. This week was pretty fast because the whole week I was looking forward to watching General Conference this past Saturday and Sunday. Martes/Tuesday we had a pretty good day, district meeting in the morning and then found a pretty cool family that seems pretty interested. Also that night we got a call from some other elders nearby, and they invited us to do service with them miercoles/Wednesday. So miercoles/Wednesday, from like 9a – 5:30p we mixed and poured cement for this miembro/member in their ward (congregation). It was great because I got to do some physical labor hahaha, and my comp got to hang out with other elders. Hahaha. It was super fun though, and I’m super grateful for the guys out at the mine who taught me lots ...

2018-10-01: Semano Cinco (Week 5)

Potosi Zone Conference with President Montoya. Missing two elders from our zone in this picture. Man! This week passed super duper fast; it seems like I was just writing yesterday. It’s probably because we had so many things happen. Ok first, martes (Tuesday), we didn’t have much planned, but we had a really good lesson with an investigador (investigator) named Alejandra. We shared Moroni 7:13-29 , which is a super good group of verses, and we encouraged her to read the Book of Mormon mas y cada dia (more and every day). Later that day we found out that I’d be traveling to Cochabamba on viernes (Friday), so that was exciting and made the week go faster. Miercoles (Wednesday) we had entrevistas (interviews) with our mission president. I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to understand or express myself, but I actually understood everything he said! So that was super exciting. I wasn’t able to express myself perfectly, but I got my thoughts across. He said it’s kind...