I have the same birthday as my sister and my grandpa. Happy Birthday! This week was super duper awesome!! Well, martes/Tuesday, we did the usual morning routine, and then we talked a little bit and I said I really want to be doing more. I suggested let’s try to find more people to teach this week, and then we set a goal to find 10 new investigadores!! I was super excited and knew it could be done. Well, we had some good citas/appointments scheduled but they all called and canceled so we decided to go to this area called Cantumarca. We'd never gone out there since it’s pretty far away. I was determined to contact everyone. Eventually, we were both super happy and working together, talking to literally everyone. We contacted soooo many people and gave away folletos/brochures and Libros de Mormón until we had no more. We found 7 new investigadores that day!! So that was super duper awesome!! My comp was pretty surprised, and I was super happy. Miercoles/Wednesday we spent...