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2018-07-25: Week 1 is done!!!

how are you how is everything going. the keyboard is a little different and i only have an hour to write so im just gonna type fast and get as much said as i can. im pretty jealous you guys are at twin lakes rn and ive been thinking about how much i miss it and skiing. and all the people there, ... BUT this place is sooo dang awesome its kinda not that bad of a trade. i love it here. the food isnt super awesome but its pretty good. i like it. its also unlimited so no problems there. the first day i made sure to find the comedor (cafeteria) and the weight room hahahaha. well my companion never showed up so midway through day two i was taking out of my class and moved to a different district, and my new comp was the guy i sat next to on the plane!! that was pretty cool. everybody in that district is going to peru lima north. everyone in the old district was going to uruaguay. so far ive only found one hermana who is going to my mission also and then one latino that we talked to who is from bolivia santa cruz. my district is super duper fun. we have no hermanas in our district so we are a little crazy but its all good and we are getting better and knowing the corect time and place. 

my comp is pretty awesome. his name is elder moore. i attached a pic of just me and him. the other one is the four guys in our room. elder moore is from utah somewhere and plays in the marching band. he is really good at spanish. he is our district leader so i go with him to all the meetings and such. they picked the district leader on the first day in the evening. we all get along great though. its like my band of brothers and the army of helaman kinda thing. well the first few days were pretty fun. they were a little confusing cuz we didnt really know what was going on. weve gotten into the routine pretty good now. we have two different teachers: hermana gomez in the morning and hermano rosales in the afternoon they are both from parts of mexico and like 23 or 24 yrs old. they are super cool. they speak to us mostly in spanish but they know english pretty good enough to understand us. they speak slow and help us learn more spanish but one interesting thing they both have said is they are not spanish teachers they are gospel and missionary teachers, spanish will just come along the way. i thought that was pretty cool. they have had us speak everything we can in spanish and we are practicing a lot. we are getting lots better. they tell us to speak spanish the entire day and as much as possible. about last thursday we practiced meeting and having a good convo in spanish and then setting up an appointment. with hermano rosales. so then friday and saturday we began teaching him and we've taught him monday and yesterday as well. its pretty cool they have books that help us and we practice with our comps. and elder moore is pretty good at spanish. we've taught lessons 1 2 and part of 3 he "came" to church on sunday with us and has been "reading and praying" daily. not for reals cuz he is our teacher but just pretend. its pretty cool tho and lots of good practice. i enjoy it a lot. 

a typical day here... i wake up with my comp or any other guy who will go with me and go lift from 5.30 to 6.30. then we shower and get ready for the day. breakfast usually about 7.15. then we have classes the whole morning learning about how to teach or what to enunciate during the lessons. we also have one language class that's on the computers called TALL we do that for an hour. its cool cuz it teaches you spanish and grammar but its with church words and principles and such so we learn more what to say during a lesson. then we have lunch and then study time in the class room and then  hermano rosales shows up and we learn more and then practice teaching him, one companiship at a time. then we have dinner and usually a devotional or more practice teaching after dinner. then we go back to our houses around 9p study and memorize stuff and get ready fro the next day. I LOVE IT! i can feel the spirit in nearly every class and just the whole day like a peaceful aweseome feeling. the devotionals are super duper sweet. and we learn lots from them feel the spirit soooo strong. the one last night was about how faith brings miracles and how important it is to be diligent and obedient. he said our faith increases the most during our trials and struggles however we need to continue building it even during the peaceful times. it was really good and super spiritual. ive been using both my spanish and english scpritures and Preach My Gospel and such so its cool to follow along and learn more from each. so far we have memorized su objectivo, in pmg, primero visión (first vision), bautizado invitacion (baptism invitation), eter 12:6 and working right now on moroni 10:4-5 all in spanish. its kinda hard but we are getting pretty good at it. 

the weather here is absolutely awesome. in the morning when we head to the gym its pretty cold hahah probaly like 50s but theres frost on car windows and you can see your breath. during the day it gets to like high 70s maybe low 80s but its not hot really at all. its not humid at all either. during the day me and elder moore talk in as much spanish as possible. during meals we either sit with our district or with some latinos to practice more spanish. ohhh also, there was an earthquake but it was super small and i was walking when the alarms went off so i didnt even feel it. also there are gunshots, or maybe fireworks or something that is pretty loud and goes off at night and in the early morning, but we dont see anything like fireworks or whatever sooo we dont really know what it is. today we are going to the temple and so i will send more pics of that next week. oh also since i got changed districts my p day is on wednesday, also there are super pretty green parakeet birds here that are supper cool looking. 

there is this thing called where you can write me and they will print it off and put it in our mail box so that way i dont have to wait til next week to read what you guys say. since we only have an hour to write. thats about all i can think of right now. I love you guys lots. hopefully the lake is super smooth and youre loving it up. i love it here. i love putting on the name tag every morning and being a representative of the Lord. i love feeling the spirit every day and learning how to better teach Gods children here on earth. I love you guys! hasta proxima semana (until next week)!!

con amor
Elder Sorensen

me and elder moore

me elder moore elder rudolph and elder obray

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