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Showing posts from January, 2020

2020-01-13: Working in El Cerrito

Elder Flores, Burt & Elder Sorensen (companions before this transfer) Well, this week was pretty good and a little rough. So, for the cambios/transfers, they split Cerrito into two areas. Last cambio we had worked a lot more in the other area, and so now we really don’t have many progressing investigators in my area. Dang, it’s been tough to not work with and help all those awesome people. We have also been contacting and working hard but not seeing much success yet. We are basically starting from nothing. We did see several miracles though. We spent most of the week looking for old investigators or less active members, and we were blessed to find several people that used to be investigators a long time ago. This is God’s work, and He is preparing people in front of us. This week I learned that God gives us challenges and weaknesses to make us be humble. When we truly humble ourselves and do His will with all our heart, He will make our weaknesses become ...

2020-01-06: Happy New Year!!

BBQ'ing plantains Hola, hola!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This week for us was pretty awesome. It was a little goofy with the holiday and all, but we made the best of it.  The beginning of the week was a little rough. Lunes (Monday) we found ANOTHER super awesome Venezuelan family. They had talked with the missionaries before (here in Cerrito) but had gone back to Venezuela and had just gotten back to Cerrito. We had an awesome lesson with them about how God only has one way to get back to Him. Martes (Tuesday) and MiĆ©rcoles (Wednesday) were the toughest. Martes here they have like a full-on party. The entire day they are having a giant water fight, water balloons, water guns, foam, paint, flour--you name it, they were throwing it. Hahaha. It was awesome. We somehow made it through the day without getting attacked. ha-ha. We greeted New Year’s dead asleep, ha-ha, until all the fireworks went off.  The rest of the week was awesome. We had tons of really good ci...

2019-12-30: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Elder Sorensen, Flores, & Burt This week was AWESOME!! We worked super hard and effectively and saw TONS of success and progress. We have a TON of investigators progressing, and we are finding lots of new people.  Monday night we had an awesome lesson with a different Venezuelan family. Their names are Pedro and Pricila, and they have 3 kids, and she is pregnant. They are super, super poor and are working selling little candies in the streets. We brought them a cake and sodas because it was Pricila’s birthday :) We had a great lesson with them, and they are super interested to learn more about God and how to follow Him more, because they have gone through soo much and they know how much He has been helping them.  Christmas Lunch with the Venezuelans Tuesday (Christmas Eve) we didn’t do too much. We had lunch with an investigator and family and then dinner with a big member family. Christmas Day (miercoles) we prepared a lunch for all the V...